Category: Dental implants

The longevity of dental implants in St. John’s Wood

Your health is one of the most important investments you will ever make; you only get one body and it’s important to take care of it. When considering dental implants in St. John’s Wood one of the first questions that may come to mind is how long are they going to last? And taking into account the cost and the fact that surgery is required to put them in, we at Aura Dental understand the importance of knowing just how long you can expect your investment to last.


The implants, not the teeth

Many people may think that what they see when they smile is the important bit of the tooth, however, that’s just the outside and of course, it serves the function of biting, chewing, and assistance with speech. However the root of that tooth, the part that is secured into the jaw is the bit that holds everything together; from the structure of the jaw bone to the alignment of your bite, it’s the bit we don’t see that is important.

When a tooth falls out due to injury or decay, a hole is left in a small socket, where it used to fit. Dental implants in St. John’s Wood are titanium screws that are surgically placed in this space to fill the socket and a custom artificial tooth is then secured onto that as a separate entity that may be replaced or changed if needs be.

Types of implants

Implants, come in different shapes and sizes and your dentist will decide which is best suited to you after an inspection of the state of your jaw and gums. In general, titanium that is used in the body can last upwards of twenty years as it is very durable and seldom rejected; dental titanium may last a lifetime if all goes well with the postoperative healing process.

There are commonly 4 types of implants that a dentist may consider when it comes to your tooth replacement:

Two-stage – A surgery is conducted to place the correct implant into the jaw bone. After a few months of healing, another minor surgery is performed to attach the artificial tooth or crown as needed.

Endosteal – These are placed using the two-stage method but may support a bridge of more than one tooth per implant.

Single-stage – A longer implant is placed into the jaw that remains exposed during the healing process allowing for direct attachments of the tooth or crown without a second minor surgery to expose the implant.

Subperiosteal are implanted with the same technique as the aforementioned single-stage implants.

Who is a good candidate?

For permanent long-lasting dental implants in St. John’s Wood, any adult who has lost a tooth or multiple teeth are good candidates for an implant consultation at their dentist. Even if only one tooth needs replacing it is important to see that it gets done as the health implications for a missing tooth over time can be disastrous. Implants can last upwards of 20 years with many cases proving to have lasted a lifetime, meaning that they are a secure investment in your oral health.

Matching dental implants to your teeth and face

So you’ve decided to get dental implants in St. John’s Wood to replace missing or decaying teeth and your next question may be, will they look fake or out of place? We at Aura Dental understand that the investment you make in your implants is not only for the many health benefits they may ensure, but to recreate your personal, best smile so that you may have the confidence to go about your life without worrying about false looking teeth that are mismatched in size or colour.

dental implants in St. John’s Wood

What makes your teeth unique?

Depending on your genetics and lifestyle your teeth, and the bite marks they create, are unique to you and you alone; like a fingerprint, no two sets of teeth are exactly the same. People who drink coffee or cola in excess may have stained teeth due to the tannins in the liquids which cause colour compounds to stick to the tooth enamel, and a smoker may present with one or more blackened teeth. However, colour isn’t the only identifiable factor that makes your smile truly your own; the way your tooth emerges from the gum, its size and shape are all a part of your unique oral makeup which can change over time, depending on how you chew or if you grind your teeth at night or not.

It’s for these reasons that dental implants in St. John’s Wood are able to match a false porcelain crown to your natural teeth perfectly; you can’t have one pure white tooth next to your natural teeth which were never pure white to begin with, it isn’t natural and will be highly noticeable and look very out of place.

Matching the crowns

The science of the implant is one thing, how the bone fuses to the titanium screw over time is a fascinating tale all on its own, but the art of creating a tooth unique to an individual is a whole other field of expertise that dental laboratories have just about perfected.

By using photography and shade guides at your implant appointments, we are able to provide the laboratories with as much information as possible to perfectly match your new crown to the rest of your teeth. The use of porcelain perfectly mimics the natural transparency of real teeth, and dental artistry professionals are able to sculpt not only the custom shape, but get the false tooth to look real by making the tip thinner than the base and recreating the different waves and ridges each tooth may have according to your personal profile.

If you find that you would like to whiten and brighten your smile, it is best to get your natural teeth bleached before your dentist sends a colour profile to the lab, because porcelain cannot be bleached and it is advised that any colour changes be done before your new teeth are made.

Taking care of your new teeth

The beauty of dental implants in St. John’s Wood is that your new porcelain teeth act just like normal teeth and are cleaned and taken care of in the same way, by brushing and flossing daily. With regular dental check-ups advised as per usual.

Dental implants in St Johns Wood – How they work and what they are used for

Losing a tooth can be a traumatic experience on both an emotional and physical level. Whether it be from a sudden accident, or the result of tooth decay the impacts of losing one or many teeth can be severe. It can impact the ability to eat and chew food, as well as having a cosmetic impact. Therefore, it is important for all of us to consider treatment when and if we ever lose a permanent tooth. While there are a few different options in terms of treatment for a lost tooth, one option you may wish to consider is dental implants in St John’s Wood. By getting dental implants in St John’s Wood, it is possible to get a treatment from a practise with a track record of successfully providing people with new, strong replacements for teeth. However this does raise the questions of what exactly are dental implants in St John’s Wood? And how do they work. In his article we will go through these questions and provide answers to them so that all of us can know a bit more about this particular type of dental treatment.


If upon reading this article, you decide that dental implants in St John’s Wood are in fact a treatment that you feel that you need, then you will also need to consider where you want to go to get them. One option that you may wish to consider is Aura Dental. At Aura Dental, we utilise a holistic approach to dentistry which helps to minimise the stress and worry that can typically be associated with having dental treatment. Furthermore, thanks to our patient centred staff, we have a reputation for providing excellent oral health care and high standard treatments, meaning that at Aura Dental you can leave your treatment in professional, experienced hands.

Dental implants

Nowadays, dental implants tend to be the industry standard for the replacement of missing teeth. Dental implants are able to replace missing teeth by acting as a fixture which first replaces the root of a missing tooth. Then, a bridge or replacement tooth can be securely fixed on top of the dental implant to look, act and feel as if it were a natural tooth. Dental implants are secure thanks to a process known as “osseointegration.” This term is used to describe the process for the fusion between the dental implants and the jawbone. This fusion allows the replacement tooth to closely mimic how a natural tooth works because it allows the new tooth to stand on its own without affecting any of the existing teeth, which also gives the new tooth stability. In addition, dental implants tend to be made of titanium, which has the advantage of the body not recognising it as a foreign object, which allows them to integrate with bone more easily.

Even though their main function is for replacing missing or severely damaged teeth, dental implants can also sometimes be used to assist with other treatments. For example, the stability of dental implants makes them useful for some removable denture treatments, so they can fit more comfortably and securely than they otherwise would. Dental Implants are also sometimes used as temporary anchorage devices (also known as TADs) to help move teeth to a different position in the mouth.

What happens when getting dental implants in St John’s Wood

Through the course of our lives, it is always possible for accidents and injuries to happen, and this is as true for our teeth as it is with any other part of our bodies. When an accident does cause us to lose a tooth, it can understandably be quite frightening, but luckily nowadays it is possible to have dental implants in St John’s Wood to replace a severely broken or missing tooth with a new replacement tooth, designed to look and feel just like a regular tooth.


Dental implants in St John’s Wood are a common solution in modern dentistry to the problem of missing/broken teeth, due in large part to the stability of dental implants in the mouth, as well as the high rate of success amongst all dental implant treatments. However, those of us with damaged or missing teeth may perhaps be wondering what exactly happens when getting dental implants in St John’s Wood, and also potentially if you personally would be able to have such a treatment.

To answer these questions we’ll take a look at what happens during a typical dental implant treatment, allowing us all to be more informed about whether or not such a treatment is suitable for ourselves. Once you’ve read about dental implants in St John’s Wood in more detail, you may be wondering about where you should go to get this treatment performed for yourself. One option that is worth considering is getting dental implants from Aura Dental.

Here at Aura Dental, our mission is to provide all of our patients with top quality dental healthcare and do our utmost to help you to maintain and improve upon the quality of your healthy, white teeth. We make sure to provide our treatments in a tranquil environment, and use our advanced dental technology to make sure the experience you get from Aura Dental is always a positive one.

The dental implant treatment

A dental implant treatment starts with a consultation and planning phase. The dentist will take a look at the area of the jaw wherein the dental implant will need to be placed, in order to make sure that there is enough jawbone for it to be implanted securely. Once it has been determined that there is enough jawbone for a dental implant to take place, surgical procedure appointments for the dental implant can begin.

Surgical procedures often begin with remnant parts of a broken tooth being extracted. Even if you have a tooth that appears to have been fully broken off or missing, there may still be some parts of it left in your mouth that need to be extracted before a dental implant can be fitted. In addition to this, an alveolar bone graft may need to be placed, to ensure that there is a solid base of bone for an implant to be fitted onto. After this, the dental implant can be fixed into place using a drill and dental tools. A healing cap will be placed over the implant as well. Then, for the next 2 to 6 months, the mouth and jaw will be given time to heal so that the implant can successfully mesh with the surrounding bone. Once the healing process is complete, a prosthetic tooth can be placed over the dental implant allowing you to freely use it just as if it were a natural tooth.

Different types of dental implants, and receiving dental implants in St John’s Wood

Our teeth are an extremely important part of our body, both for cosmetic reasons, and for our overall health and well-being. Because of this, it is very important that we go to our dentist as soon as we can when, and if, any of our teeth become damaged – whether it be from tooth decay, or having an accident – to ensure the best chance of our teeth being able to be restored through dental treatment. In some of the more severe cases of teeth being broken or heavily damaged, then it may be suggested you get dental implants in St John’s Wood. This is a treatment that is designed to replace a broken, damaged tooth with a new, implanted replacement tooth. If you have been recommended to have, or are just now starting to think about getting, dental implants in St John’s Wood, then it may be useful to first have a bit more knowledge on what dental implants in St John’s Wood are. Furthermore, there are also a few different and distinct types of dental implants, and so by being aware of what these different types are, you will hopefully be able to have a better idea about which type would be the most appropriate for you and your needs.


Assuming that you would like to receive dental implants in St John’s Wood, then you may wish to consider receiving them at Aura Dental. Here at Aura Dental we treat all of our patients with the utmost care. We use our relaxing, modern environment to deliver our high quality treatments in a calm manner which helps to alleviate stress, and should leave you with a dental experience which was entirely positive.

Dental implants: a brief overview

Dental implants work by first replacing the root portion of a damaged tooth with an implant post. After a few consultations to make sure that the bone underneath your teeth has enough volume and density to support the implant post, the post will be implanted, and then a crown or bridge screwed to the top of it to act as a new tooth. Dental implants are designed to last for a long time, and they also have an extremely high success rate as well.

Different types of dental implant

There are a few different types of dental implant, and which one you receive will relate to you and your specific needs. Endosteal implants, for example, tend to either be screws, cylinders or plates for crowns or bridges to be attached to. They are considerably more common than other types of dental implant (approximately 9 out of every 10 dental implant procedures will be using endosteal implants), due in large part to the relative simplicity of the treatment needed to implant them.

By comparison, subperiosteal implants are much less common. These are implants that are placed below the gum line, but above the jawbone, and they are designed for patients who may have insufficient bone density to support an endosteal implant. For this reason, these implants also tend to be narrower or shorter than other dental implants. Zygomatic implants are another type of implant that work fairly similarly, except they are implanted into the cheekbone rather than the jaw. Again they are less common than endosteal implants, usually only being used when other dental implant methods are not suitable.

What to expect when getting dental implants in St John’s Wood

Whilst they are some of the strongest parts of our body, our teeth can be deceptively delicate. Whether it be through suffering an accident, or through being worn down by tooth decay, there is often a distinct possibility that our teeth can end up broken or severely chipped. Many of us understandably worry about this for the cosmetic impact that a broken or severely chipped tooth can have, however there are also risks to your oral and general health that may arise from a tooth that is sufficiently broken. For example, an abscess can form if bacteria are able to go through the broken tooth and into the tooth’s inner pulp, which can be very painful, and also potentially cause more serious health concerns.

However, this does not mean that it is necessary to be fearful, as nowadays, your dentist is able to offer you a range of treatments which can restore the parts of your teeth that have become broken or damaged. One of these treatments you may be offered are dental implants in St John’s Wood. By getting dental implants in St John’s Wood you will be receiving a treatment that can replace and restore many of the lost parts of a damaged tooth.


With a few different options available to you as to where to get dental implants in St John’s Wood, it may be difficult to decide on where to go to get this treatment, should you decide that it would be beneficial for you. However, we here at Aura Dental believe that we are a great option for you to consider. At Aura Dental, we make good use of the tranquil surroundings and advanced dental technology that we have access to, in order to deliver all of our treatments to the highest quality. Furthermore, we are proud to say that thanks to our patient recommendations, our practice has grown, and we are always happy to welcome new patients as well.

Dental implants

Dental implants start by replacing the root of a damaged tooth, then by placing a secondary portion above the gum line, to support any restoration work that needs to be done. Before the treatment itself starts though, it is always necessary to have a consultation appointment with your dentist. Once your dentist is aware that you are interested in having this type of treatment, they will run some tests and take X-ray diagnostics of your teeth to make sure that dental implants in St John’s Wood is an appropriate type of treatment for you.

The treatment itself will begin with an implant post being carefully and gently inserted into your jawbone. At the next appointment, the site where the implant post was inserted will be re-examined. These appointments to examine the implant post will probably continue until the bone and the implant have fully fused with one another. Once this has happened, the crown or bridge can be cemented or screwed on to the implant post above the gum line. There may also be the option for you to wear a night guard after this treatment, if you have a grinding or clenching habit with your teeth, as this will help to protect your new dental implants from being damaged as you sleep.

Heard some bad rumours about dental implants? The truth about oral implants by Aura Dental

When you decide to undertake a cosmetic procedure, it is likely that the first thing you will do is look online for stories about the procedure; this can be a very bad idea!

Like typing cold symptoms into a search engine and being told you have a deadly disease, searching for stories about cosmetic procedures online can create a very biased sample to base your decision on. You will probably encounter one or two lurid stories of the treatment going wrong, and only being human we can tend to focus on the negative press rather than the huge positives that are reaped from these procedures.

And of course, when looking for the truth about cosmetic dental procedures, the internet can be a biased platform to begin with, in its structure. In this article, our team at Aura Dental have combined their years of clinical experience to provide you with the truth to the myths surrounding one type of procedure; oral implants.

When you come to Aura Dental to have dental implants in St John’s Wood, our team will discuss the procedure with you fully and ensure you are completely informed before the treatment starts. We will walk you through each of the stages and provide you with honest answers along the way, to ensure that you get the gorgeous smile you deserve.

But what are some of the myths and truths behind dental implants in St John’s Wood? Read on to find out!

Myth- Oral implants look false

Truth- This is an odd myth, as in our experience at Aura Dental, all of the dental implants in St John’s Wood that we have fitted look completely natural.

We aim to match your prosthetic teeth to any natural teeth you have in your mouth based on colour, shape, and size; if you have no natural teeth in your mouth, then we may be able to create a new set using photographs of your previous smile.

Myth- Having them fitted is painful

Truth– We agree that the process may indeed sound uncomfortable, but in reality, many of our patients have told us that the sensation is no different to a dental extraction and so, you should be able to manage this with over the counter painkillers.

The discomfort should fade by itself in about a week; if it doesn’t or it gets worse, book an urgent appointment with our team as soon as possible.

Myth- They are too pricey for the average person

Truth– If we look at the cost of oral implants as one payment, then yes, they appear to be prohibitively expensive for some people.

However, at Aura Dental, we may be able to offer you a dental plan or financing option, to help break down the price into monthly payments.

Myth- They don’t last very long

Truth– If you do not look after your oral implants, then it is likely that they will not last a long time; smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol and poor oral hygiene can negatively impact the longevity of implants.

However, if they are correctly maintained, oral implants can last up to 40 years! Now that has to be positive!

Considering having dental implants fitted? Four key health benefits of this procedure

When one thinks of a cosmetic procedure, one typically imagines a procedure designed solely to alter someone’s appearance, hopefully for the better. While this is true of many cosmetic treatments that are performed on the skin and other parts of the body, in dentistry, many procedures also offer health benefits. So, while you may be in two minds about approaching your dentist for a cosmetic procedure, it is likely that your health will benefit in some way too.


One of the most beneficial procedures for both your physical and mental well-being in the field of cosmetic dentistry is that of oral implants; designed to imitate your natural teeth, implants can fill gaps in your smile and bite, with the strength of your natural teeth.

When you decide to undertake dental implants in St John’s Wood, our team of cosmetic dentists at Aura Dental will guide you through every step of the procedure. From the initial fitting to aftercare, our dentists will make sure that your implants last as long as possible, allowing you to smile with complete confidence.

But, what are the health benefits of having dental implants in St John’s Wood? Read on to find out more!

Better digestion

Our teeth are the first part of the digestive system and, like most systems, if part of it is missing, the system cannot usually operate correctly.

While it may seem harmless to miss a few teeth, it prevents the correct grinding and chewing of food; so when the food reaches the stomach, it is usually comprised of larger chunks, meaning that the stomach has to produce extra acid for digestion. Dental implants in St John’s Wood allow you to break down food into smaller chunks and reduce the chance of developing any gastrointestinal issues.

Reduction of headaches

Missing teeth can cause us to grind our jaws together as we sleep.

Excessive grinding of teeth has been linked to a higher prevalence of headaches, migraines and even tensing of the back and shoulder muscles.

As implants ensure that all of your teeth should fit together correctly, this will prevent grinding and thus, reduce headaches.

Lowered risk of periodontal disease

Gum disease is more prevalent in people who have missing teeth. This is because, in the most basic terms, the plaque and bacteria have easier access to the gums, as there are no teeth to block them.

Implants reduce the risk of gum disease, as bacteria cannot get underneath them to attack the gum line and, as they fill all the gaps in your mouth, it is harder for bacteria to get to the gums.

Improved nutrition

It is a sad fact that people who have lost a few teeth or even wear dentures often avoid harder foods.

The issue is that many foods that are good for us, like fruits and vegetables, are harder to bite into; if you have implants fitted, you will be able to bite into the toughest foods with ease, creating a healthier and more varied diet.

Tired of your delicate prosthesis? Switch to dental implants in St John’s Wood

Losing teeth is common. In this day and age, replacing them is easier than ever before. But how do you go about choosing the right device?

The last twenty or so years have seen the development of dental implants in St John’s Wood as an alternative to more conventional models.


Our experienced team at Aura Dental are massive advocates of this groundbreaking method of treatment, as long as you are the right candidate for them.

So what is the fuss about dental implants in St John’s Wood and how straightforward is the procedure for getting them? In this article, we will provide you with everything you should know about dental implants in St John’s Wood.

When should I consider tooth implants?

Have you lost multiple teeth over the years, or are your set fast deteriorating? Maybe you have lost a few teeth unexpectedly in an accident?

Whatever your circumstance, you should consider implants as an option for replacement.

What benefits do implants have over other tooth replacement options?

Are you pondering which device to use or wondering whether you should make the change from conventional dentures to implants?

Knowing the advantages of implants will make the selection process easier, and the pros of this device outweigh the cons.

One of its better-known qualities include the fact that implants look and function like real teeth, so much so that you may be unable to differentiate between an implant and real teeth.

Its other attractive features are that the device is designed to be long-lasting, which takes away the inconvenience of having to replace them with a new set in the future.

Generally, the user experience is more positive than negative because not only is the device comfortable, but it is entirely stable. This means you do not have to suffer the repercussions and possible embarrassment of the contraption falling out at the worst moments.

Additionally, you will experience a more natural biting and chewing capacity, allowing you to enjoy food without limitations and speak freely without your device getting in the way.

What are the pitfalls?

Taking into account the device’s many features, it may not surprise you that tooth implants are more expensive.

However, considering it is a life-changing investment, more people are considering dental implants in St John’s Wood and some individuals travel overseas to undergo the same procedure at a cheaper cost.

While not necessarily a shortcoming of implants, many people hesitate at the lengthy recovery periods and the numerous steps one has to take before they can boast new teeth. However, if you are not after a quick and immediate fix, but a long-term resolution, then implants are worth the long wait.

What can I do if I am not a suitable candidate for implants?

Unfortunately, not everyone is a suitable match for implants. This may be because you have deficient bone in your jaw or possess unhealthy gums. However, while these issues may cause delays to getting implants, you can still have them. In the event of bone deficiency; you may need bone grafts, or undergo an intensive cleaning if you have inflamed gums.

Learn more about the tooth-saving procedure: dental implants in St John’s Wood

Have you lost one or multiple teeth lately due to mouth trauma or as a result of years of neglect? While exploring your options for replacing your teeth, or tooth, add dental implants in St John’s Wood.


Losing teeth and not replacing them won’t just affect your confidence but your general lifestyle.  Book a consultation with our experienced dental practitioner at Aura Dental to chat about dental implants in St John’s Wood.

Why should I choose dental implants in St John’s Wood?

Many people are dissuaded from using tooth implants because they cost more than dentures and bridges. While they are valued at a higher price, you must take into account what you are paying for.

So, what are implants? To answer this question, we must look at the anatomy of a tooth. Every tooth in your mouth has a root, which is part of the tooth below your gums, and the crown, which is the visible part.

Dental implants are tiny screws that replace your missing tooth at the root, which are inserted into your bone. Over time, we connect an abutment to the metal post and a prosthesis to the abutment.

What is the process of getting tooth implants?

Obtaining implants is a lengthy process that takes up to six months. There are two minor surgical procedures and a hefty recovery involved. However, if you are looking for a quick fix, implants are not for you.

Before the process can even begin, you must be deemed fit for the procedure, and unfortunately, not everyone is. To be considered a suitable candidate, you must have healthy gums and enough density and volume of bone in the area of your missing tooth. 

You may need to undergo a root scale and panning if you have gingivitis, which is a disease of the gum, before your implant procedure can be administered.

If you have insufficient bone, you will need to undergo bone augmentation surgery, such as bone grafts which is the transplant of bone from other parts of your body to your mouth.

Undergoing surgeries like the one above can make implants possible. However, you will have to wait, and endure extensive recoveries, before you can flaunt your new tooth.

How do implants stay in your mouth?

Another reason why implants are popular is that they are firmly lodged into your bone and can only be removed by your dental practitioner.

The metal fuses with the surrounding tissue in a biological process called ‘osseointegration’. Osseointegration is the successful integration between bone and metal, which occurs because the body regards the metal (titanium), as part of the body.

Will you need to replace implants in the future?

With the proper care implants are a lifelong investment and because implants are securely lodged into your jaw, you will not have to worry about them slipping out at inopportune moments.