Category: Invisalign

Have you heard invisible braces cost more? 5 myths about Invisalign debunked

When you are looking to straighten your smile as an adult, you may think that the only course of treatment open to you is going to involve traditional metal or orthodontic braces.


And as an adult, you want to avoid that!

But orthodontic technology has come a long way over the last 20 years and today, the majority of dental surgeries are able to offer their patients either clear or invisible braces or aligners. As the names suggest, these are visually discrete and can provide you with the same movement that you would have once only been able to achieve with a metal brace.

At Aura Dental, we have not fallen behind the times and can offer our suitable patients clear braces, while also being able to offer the world-famous Invisalign in St Johns Wood. As the name suggests, this aligner is the closest aligner on the planet to being visually invisible and is custom-fitted to your mouth. Removable, comfortable and easy to clean, it is no wonder why it is so popular!

However, you may have heard some myths about Invisalign in St Johns Wood which make you question its effectiveness. Here, our team breaks down some of the most popular myths about this aligner.

Myth- It’s only suited for adults

Fact- Invisalign in St Johns Wood is used primarily on adult patients. However, this is due to adult patients being more reliable per se, and not taking the aligner out for hours on end, which can delay treatment.

We do offer this brace to teenagers and there is even a set of these aligners being trialled in children, so one day, your child may be able to wear this brace too!

Myth-It can’t treat bite issues

Fact- Invisible braces have become exceedingly powerful over the last few years and now, the majority of them can treat overbites, underbites and indeed crossbites.

However, if there is a misalignment with your jaws, you will probably need a metal brace.

Myth-It takes longer than traditional braces

Fact- Many people remember that one friend in school who wore metal braces for seemingly years on end. And it stands to reason that as invisible aligners provide less force when they are realigning teeth, that the treatment will take longer.

But, as this aligner is best at treating mild to moderate cases of misalignment, the average treatment time is between 3-6 months. So, very short!

Myth- It’s painless

Fact- We truly wish that all orthodontic treatments were comfortable but the fact is that when it comes to moving teeth, there is going to be discomfort.

When wearing an invisible brace, we recommend using over the counter pain relief, such as anti-inflammatories to keep discomfort levels low.

Myth It’s more expensive than traditional braces

Fact- It can be cheaper but this will depend on how long you need to wear it for.

Which is one reason why we advise patients to keep aligners in their mouth’s for 22 hours per day; to keep costs down!

New to invisible braces? Our Invisalign survival guide from Aura Dental

So, you’ve seen our team and have been given the green light to go ahead and have invisible aligners fitted. How exciting!


As you wait for your custom-fitted aligners to be made, you will probably be thinking that, well, there is nothing else to do but wait. However, as is the way with all orthodontic procedures, there are a few things you can do to make your transition into wearing invisible braces a bit easier for yourself.

Why? Because you are probably going to struggle a little bit with wearing your new invisible aligners and to ensure that you don’t give up on your treatment, we have written the following tips.

At Aura Dental, we know all about the struggles that our patients can have with orthodontic pieces and want to help you to achieve that gorgeous smile. While we know that invisible braces like Invisalign in St Johns Wood can be easier for many patients, we also know that they can also create a set of unique challenges that can take some getting used to.

So, here are our top survival tips for those first few weeks with Invisalign in St John’s Wood.

Invest in a small toothbrush

When you take Invisalign in St Johns Wood out to eat food, you are going to need to brush your teeth before putting the aligner back into your mouth.

And to ensure that your teeth stay as clean and healthy during your treatment, we recommend buying a travel toothbrush to carry in your pocket.

You will need dental wax!

OK, so we have already spoken briefly about how invisible braces are more comfortable than regular ones.

But, just like regular ones, we will recommend that you use dental wax to protect your tongue and inner cheeks. Those newly crafted edges of the invisible aligners can be hard, and rough, creating friction against the softer areas of your inner mouth and so, to keep you comfortable, we will provide you with some dental wax.

Pain relief

Back to comfort!

Invisible aligners are comfortable, yes, but they are still moving your teeth. And to ensure that you stick with the treatment as planned, you should invest in pain relief. We recommend anti-inflammatory pain relief, such as Ibuprofen to keep inflammation-based discomfort to a minimum.

If you feel you are experiencing excessive levels of discomfort, however, feel free to call our team for a consultation.

Use the case

A key appeal of this invisible brace is that you can take it out.

And while you are out with friends or family eating in restaurants, we recommend placing them safely within the cases that they came with. This will prevent it from becoming damaged, warped and of course, will keep it clean!

Keep an eye on the time

For invisible braces to be effective, you need to wear them for 22 hours per day.

We advise you to build up a routine of checking your watch until you become acclimated to wearing the aligner correctly.

Want to learn more about Invisalign? Your top 5 FAQs answered by our team at Aura Dental

Want straighter teeth as an adult, but don’t want the hassle of metal braces?


In the last 10 years, orthodontists have designed an array of new appliances to help adult patients get straighter teeth, without the undertaking of a traditional metal brace, via clear and invisible aligners.

At Aura Dental, we have helped hundreds of our adult patients get the straighter teeth they want using Invisalign in St John’s Wood. An innovation of design and functionality, this aligner provides you with a discreet way to straighten your teeth, without the need for metal brackets.

Curious to learn more about Invisalign in St John’s Wood? Read on for answers to 5 popular invisible brace related FAQs.

How do they work without attachments?

Invisalign in St Johns Wood works due to its custom-fitted design.

When you come to us to begin using this aligner, we will take a 3D scan of your teeth to begin making the aligners. Using digital technology, we will plot the required movements that the aligners will need to make to straighten your teeth.

When you wear your first aligner (and every one in the sequence thereafter), you will notice that they feel tight; this is what helps them to move your teeth into their new positions. When the aligner feels loose, (usually 14 days later) move on to the next one!

Can they treat an underbite?

They can, but remember, this aligner cannot be used to treat severe or complex cases. So, if you have a more complicated underbite, then our team may recommend you undertake treatment with a clear aligner or even with metal braces.

Are they uncomfortable?

Sadly, there is no such thing as completely comfortable orthodontics.

While this aligner is more bearable for many patients, many report feeling pressure on their teeth when they change between aligners; this is normal and is part of the orthodontic process.

But if you have worn metal braces in the past, you may be in for a pleasant surprise relating to how agreeable these aligners are in daily life.

How long do most people wear them?

The average treatment time for wearing an invisible aligner is between 3-6 months.

But you must remember that the length of time you wear these aligners will depend on how severe the misalignment is and if you stick to the regime set down by our team. We know it can be tempting to leave any removable orthodontic treatment out, but to see the desired effects in the set time frame, please keep them in for a minimum of 22 hours per day.

Aren’t they expensive?

It is a concern for many patients that this aligner is going to be outside of their price range.

However, our team at Aura Dental is aware that most people will need a bit of help spreading the cost of orthodontics as adults, and so, we are able to offer our suitable patients’ financing options.

Talk to our team today to see if you are applicable.

Are there any advantages to wearing Invisalign? 5 benefits from our team at Aura Dental

With the rise in celebrities talking about orthodontic treatment, chances are that if you have a crooked smile or a minor misalignment, you have looked into having it fixed using braces or aligners.


And if you are like most adults, you want a brace or aligner that is subtle but can offer you the strength of a regular brace without the metal affixed to your teeth. If you are suitable, then you may be able to undertake a clear or invisible aligner.

As the names suggest, these orthodontic options offer a visually discrete alternative to regular braces but can provide the necessary movement required to straighten teeth.

At Aura Dental, we are exceedingly proud to be able to offer our patients many different types of clear and invisible braces, including Invisalign in St John’s Wood. This world-famous aligner is custom-fitted to your teeth and it is simple to fit into a busy schedule, making it ideal for older teenagers and adults.

Are there any other advantages to trying Invisalign in St John’s Wood? Read on to find out!

Better oral health

Unlike conventional braces, when you try Invisalign in St John’s Wood, you can maintain good oral hygiene.

As this aligner is not fitted, it offers you the ability to clean your teeth as you would every day and it doesn’t provide plaque attracting sharp angles on your teeth. You can even take them out when you visit our team for a check-up!


OK, so as highlighted in the previous point, this aligner is removable.

And while that has obvious advantages for hygiene, it also offers you the chance to take them out when you eat, play sports or even give talks at work. As tempting as it is to leave this aligner out for as long as possible, you must remember to wear it for at least 22 hours a day to see any benefit concerning orthodontic straightening. So, keep them in!


Interestingly, clear and invisible aligners offer patients an accelerated treatment time too.

On average, it can take a regular brace up to 2 years to move teeth but with an aligner, this can be accomplished in 6 months. Remember, this will be based on the severity of the misalignment you have and if you don’t keep the aligner in for the time required each day, this will slow the procedure down.


As invisible braces gently push your teeth into their new positions, there is no need for adjustments or ‘tightenings’ to be made.

This means there is less pressure on your jaw overall, which equates to a more comfortable experience while wearing this aligner. But, you may feel some pressure when you change between aligners, which is to be expected.

Easy to use

If your aligner needs cleaning, run it under a cool tap. If it needs changing, then you can do it yourself. Best of all, you can send updates to our team about its progress via an app on your smartphone!

Curious if Invisalign is for you? 5 FAQs answered by our team at Aura Dental

When it comes to braces in adulthood, it seems that the traditional metal brace is being replaced with either clear or invisible braces.


Of course, if you have a more severe or complex case of misalignment, then our dentists and orthodontists will recommend a metal brace, but for the majority of cases involving misalignment, you can now have them treated more subtly. This is a major step forward in allowing sometimes reluctant patients to feel having their teeth aligned is something they are happy to do.

As the name suggests, clear and invisible braces are visually discreet and as such, no one will be able to notice you are wearing them. With certain invisible braces, you can even take the brace out to eat, meaning no brushing underwires to remove food debris.

At Aura Dental, we are proud to be able to offer suitable adult and teenage patients clear and invisible braces, especially Invisalign St John’s Wood. Custom fitted to slot over your teeth, this brace gently pushes on your teeth to straighten them, without the need for tightening or adjustments. You can even take it out!

Curious to learn more about Invisalign St John’s Wood? Here, we answer some of the most commonly asked questions that our team at Aura Dental is asked about this brace.

Is there an upper age limit?

In a word, no!

Provided that you have good overall oral health, there is no upper age limit on Invisalign St John’s Wood.

However, if you are a teenager who wants this brace, our team will need to assess that your dental roots are fully formed before using it, which usually occurs when you are about the age of 17 years old.

How long does the process take?

One of the key benefits of this brace is that, thanks to its ever-evolving technology, it can straighten a greater range of orthodontic problems.

However, depending on the severity of the orthodontic case you have, you may be wearing it for anywhere between 3-18 months. And of course, if you take it out too regularly, this can slow down its efficacy concerning straightening your teeth.

Does it straighten your jaw?

No, it doesn’t.

If you need to have your jaw straightened, our team will probably suggest a metal brace as a starting point and then, if your jaw straightens via this process, you may be able to wear this brace at a later stage.

However, the overall treatment process depends on the severity of your orthodontic case.

Does it make your breath smell bad?

As this brace is removable, it shouldn’t make your teeth smell bad.

But when you take the brace out to consume food, our team will recommend that you brush your teeth before putting it back in. Not doing so can allow bacteria to become pressed against your enamel, which can lead to bad breath and of course, tooth decay.

Can I take the aligner out for an entire day?

No; this aligner must stay in your mouth for at least 22 hours per day for you to notice its benefits as predicted.

Just had Invisalign fitted? A survival guide for those first few weeks

When you are learning to cope with something new, whatever it is, it can be a challenge; more so when it is the presence of something in your mouth.


While adult orthodontics has come leaps and bounds in recent years, there are still some aspects that cannot be removed entirely. In this instance, the presence of something new on your teeth (even if it is invisible to the naked eye), can be tough to get used to.

And as many invisible and clear aligners are removable, this can make it all the more tempting to simply remove and forget about. But as you may have guessed, if you fail to keep these remarkable braces in your mouth, you cannot receive the benefits that come from wearing them.

So, how do you adapt to having a brace like Invisalign in St John’s Wood in your mouth? Our team at Aura Dental can provide you with some helpful hints and tips when you come to us for your realignment as an adult, alongside providing you with orthodontic treatments which are second to none. We pride ourselves on our customer care, so if you are an adult who has a question about a recently fitted brace, simply call us and we will endeavour to answer you promptly.

But what are some of our tips for adapting to Invisalign in St John’s Wood?

Consistent wear

While a key advantage of Invisalign in St John’s Wood is that it is removable, in those early weeks of adapting to it, you may want to keep it in your mouth all the time.

This will help you get used to the feel of it against your tongue and cheeks, and will also help you to learn how to speak faster than if you were constantly removing it.

Vocal exercises

Our team at Aura Dental can advise you on oral exercises to help your tongue adapt to the presence of an invisible brace.

While it may sound odd, singing is a great way to get yourself used to a brace as it utilises more facial muscles than talking alone does, so download your favourite songs and get singing!

Same time removal

Once you are comfortable with removing the brace, try to do so at the same time each day; this will build a routine which will help you slot it into your daily life.

While it is out of your mouth, try to eat food and clean the brace as this will aid in the routine forming behaviours needed for this brace to be successful.

Keep it clean

If you do not clean this brace, it will feel uncomfortable in your mouth which will probably prompt you to remove it.

It is easy to clean; simply run it under a cold tap (never hot, as it will warp!), and brush off any debris with a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Stay in touch!

Keep in regular contact with our team at Aura Dental about progress and any queries you may have.

Can you eat while wearing Invisalign? Dos and don’ts of using this invisible brace

When you want to achieve straighter teeth as an adult, you will probably have spoken to at least one dental professional about adult braces.


While relatively commonplace, clear and invisible braces are new to many adults who want to get a straighter smile and as their names suggest, the discretion of these aligners makes them exceedingly popular.

At Aura Dental, our team are proud to be able to offer our suitable patients clear and invisible braces, and can even offer the infamous Invisalign in St Johns Wood. We will oversee every part of the fitting, treatment, and will advise you on how you can get this remarkable brace to work for you as an individual.

If you have been looking online at invisible braces, you may have read conflictual advice.

Our team at Aura Dental discusses some good habits to get into while using Invisalign in St Johns Wood.

Wear it for the allocated time

For Invisalign in St Johns Wood to work, you will need to wear it for at least 22 hours per day.

Failure to do so will result in a slower realignment of your teeth.

Carry its casing with you

When out and about, when you remove this brace, be sure to keep it in the casing it came with. This will keep it dent free and will also prevent bacteria accumulation.

Keep it clean!

It is easy to keep this plastic-based brace clean; simply run it under a cold tap and remove any debris with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Failing to keep the aligner clean may result in bacteria being pressed against your enamel, which could cause decay.

Invest in a small toothbrush

Carry a small toothbrush with you so that after you finish eating, you can give your teeth a quick brush before putting the brace back in.

And here are some tips on what not to do while wearing this invisible brace!

Wear it while eating

Wearing this brace while eating may damage it, which will prevent it from working effectively. Always be sure to remove it before eating meals or drinking anything besides water.

Clean it with hot water

As mentioned before, this brace is made from plastic and, like other items made from this material, it can warp and bend if exposed to hot temperatures.

It is important to avoid cleaning this brace with hot water. Avoid mouthwashes for cleaning this brace too, as they can cause discolouration.

Eat sticky or hard foods

Hard and sticky foods will inevitably damage the brace and, even if you remove the brace while eating sticky foods, it may lead to a film-forming on your teeth which will be hard to remove with your mini brush. And as no-one wants cavities, it is best to avoid these types of consumables altogether.

Avoid check-ups

Even though this brace comes with an app, it is important that you keep your check-ups with our team at Aura Dental, so we can assess if the brace is working correctly.

Not sure how to manage your new Invisalign brace? Your top 5 FAQs answered by Aura Dental

When you are researching invisible braces online, it is easy to discover what they are used for, what they are made from and even the most affordable options.


But what is often overlooked is the day-to-day bits and pieces that many people, who are new to wearing braces, may be unfamiliar with.

While most adult orthodontic options are removable and offer more discretion than traditional metal braces, once they are in place, few people actually know how to care for them correctly. Traditional braces come with regular check-ups to assess straightening, hygienist appointments for cleaning, while offering the physical ability to see if there is an error with a bracket detaching. Not so with invisible braces!

So, when you choose Aura Dental to undertake your invisible braces, we will aim to provide you with as many day to day tips to make the transition into wearing the brace as comfortable as possible. Indeed, we are specialists when it comes to invisible braces like Invisalign in St John’s Wood and are happy and able to answer any questions that you may have about this brace.

But what are some of the day-to-day concerns that our patients have about Invisalign in St Johns Wood? Read on to find out.

Can I take them out whenever I want?

As tempting as it is to take this brace out, it is not advisable.

Of course, you can remove it to eat food, drink tea or brush your teeth but apart from that, you should aim to keep it in for 20-22 hours each day, or as often as our dentist recommends.

To fully see the benefits of Invisalign in St Johns Wood, it may be initially advisable to keep the brace in your mouth except for when it is absolutely necessary.

They look stained; how can I clean them?

These clear braces are quite easy to clean; simply run them under a lukewarm tap to remove any surface stains.

If that doesn’t work, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a pea-sized amount of toothpaste to gently clean the area. Do not use hot water or mouthwash, as these can damage the plastic.

How long will I need to wear each aligner for?

This depends on how many aligners you have, the severity of your misalignment and how often our dentist recommends changing the aligners. You should expect to change the trays every 2 weeks but talk to our team for more personalised advice.

My tongue is sore- is it related to the brace?

If you are new to wearing this brace, you may develop some sore spots around your mouth.

Ask our team for some dental wax to soften the harsh edges of the aligner until they naturally soften.

When will I start to see results?

Again, this will vary. Many of our patients see a change in their dental alignment within the first 2 weeks of wearing invisible braces. If you have concerns about lack of movement, talk to our team.

Fixing malocclusions with Invisalign in St.John’s Wood

At Aura Dental we know that looking your best will help you feel your best and give you the confidence to step out into the world with a smile that wins over hearts and minds. Orthodontics has been shown to transform a shy hidden smile into a confident glowing one. While many people know about the amazing effects and benefits of the Invisalign orthodontic treatment for discreetly straightening teeth, some of you may not know that we can use this therapy to treat malocclusions too. By correcting the bite, we not only fix the teeth but can also subtly change the facial structure with Invisalign in St. John’s Wood.

What are malocclusions?


To put it simply, malocclusions are problems with the bite of your mouth. Ideally, the top and bottom rows of teeth should sit neatly on top of one another without any gaps, but often this is not the case, there are many different types of bite issues that people have:

Overbite: This is when the front of the top row of teeth sit slightly over the bottom row, many people have a mild case of overbite which doesn’t really affect how the face looks, but in more rare cases this can be quite severe, with the bottom jaw receding much further back than it should, causing breathing issues and possibly elongated front teeth. It is important to note that while Invisalign in St. John’s Wood can help correct slight overbite issues, there more severe cases will need more intensive orthodontics.

Underbite: the opposite to overbite, an underbite is when the bottom row of teeth jut forward slightly and sit further out than the top row of teeth causing the tops teeth to fall behind the bottom. This causes a very awkward smile for those suffering from this malocclusion. People with severe underbites will have a forward jutting jaw which is very apparent both from the side profile and the front and may need more intensive orthodontic treatment for a while before Invisalign can be implemented.

Openbite: this occurs when someone bites down and there are still gaps between the top and bottom rows of teeth, this occurs when the rows of teeth slant outward slightly and require orthodontics to pull them back.

Cross bite: while the other issues we have explained are all vertical, a cross bite occurs when there are issues laterally with the teeth, when the molars especially slant either more towards the cheeks or the tongue instead of upwards as they should.

How can Invisalign treat malocclusions?

While shifting teeth into alignment is relatively straight forward, moving the bite takes a more advanced knowledge but with Invisalign in St. John’s Wood our experienced dentists can place small tooth-coloured buttons on your teeth that the aligners can interact with, thus applying more pressure to the teeth to push them into position and fixing more malocclusion cases than was ever before possible with this treatment. It may take a little more time to correct these issues but you will still be able to enjoy the benefit of an invisible treatment plan that Invisalign is so famous for and who knows, as technology advances, this may one day be the only thing people need to fix any orthodontic problem.

Crowded teeth and Invisalign in St. John’s Wood

Invisalign has transformed tens of thousands of smiles around the world and can treat just about any orthodontic problem effectively, however, those with crowded teeth may need a little extra dental work in order for the treatment to have the effect you are hoping for. This is why Invisalign in St. John’s Wood should be your go-to for a clear aligner system rather than the systems you may see online that can be created simply from an impression you take of your teeth at home. At Aura Dental we can ensure that your teeth are correctly prepared for the best possible results that can be expected from clear aligners, in fact, we will even be able to show you a simulation of those predicted results at your first consultation with us so that you know what to expect before treatment even begins.


The Invisalign system

All treatments for Invisalign in St. John’s Wood begin the same way; with a professional consultation with one of our dentists who will be able to determine if you are a good candidate for treatment. If they give the go-ahead then a painless 3D scan will be taken of your teeth and the information uploaded to a computer which then creates a 3D image of your mouth. A very clever algorithm will calculate and simulate how your teeth will be expected to shift over time and give the dentist the information they need to progress with your personal treatment plan.

Those with overcrowded teeth will require one extra step in their treatment plan in order for it to be as effective as the simulation suggests and this is Interproximal Reduction (IPR)

What is IPR?

This is a technique used to prepare crowded teeth and make a tiny space between them so that they are able to shift accordingly. The technique involves gently filing away bits of tooth enamel between certain overcrowded teeth in order to to create more space. A very thin flexible strip of material similar to sandpaper is used to do this and it takes away very small amounts of outer enamel in order to help shift the teeth. This may sound scary but healthy teeth have about 2.5mm of enamel surrounding them and we will only remove about 0.2mm – 0.3 mmm of that, so the dentin of your teeth will still remain safely encased in a layer of enamel.

Business as usual

Once this extra step for overcrowded teeth is complete it’s business as usual with Invisalign in St. John’s Wood, the information we collect on your newly filed and scanned teeth will be sent to a lab where your clear aligners will be custom created. Once those aligners have been made and sent to us you will be able to collect them with instructions from your dentist on how and when to wear them (usually no less than 22hrs per day), how often to change them and how to clean them in order to prevent any plaque buildup.