New to invisible braces? Our Invisalign survival guide from Aura Dental

So, you’ve seen our team and have been given the green light to go ahead and have invisible aligners fitted. How exciting!


As you wait for your custom-fitted aligners to be made, you will probably be thinking that, well, there is nothing else to do but wait. However, as is the way with all orthodontic procedures, there are a few things you can do to make your transition into wearing invisible braces a bit easier for yourself.

Why? Because you are probably going to struggle a little bit with wearing your new invisible aligners and to ensure that you don’t give up on your treatment, we have written the following tips.

At Aura Dental, we know all about the struggles that our patients can have with orthodontic pieces and want to help you to achieve that gorgeous smile. While we know that invisible braces like Invisalign in St Johns Wood can be easier for many patients, we also know that they can also create a set of unique challenges that can take some getting used to.

So, here are our top survival tips for those first few weeks with Invisalign in St John’s Wood.

Invest in a small toothbrush

When you take Invisalign in St Johns Wood out to eat food, you are going to need to brush your teeth before putting the aligner back into your mouth.

And to ensure that your teeth stay as clean and healthy during your treatment, we recommend buying a travel toothbrush to carry in your pocket.

You will need dental wax!

OK, so we have already spoken briefly about how invisible braces are more comfortable than regular ones.

But, just like regular ones, we will recommend that you use dental wax to protect your tongue and inner cheeks. Those newly crafted edges of the invisible aligners can be hard, and rough, creating friction against the softer areas of your inner mouth and so, to keep you comfortable, we will provide you with some dental wax.

Pain relief

Back to comfort!

Invisible aligners are comfortable, yes, but they are still moving your teeth. And to ensure that you stick with the treatment as planned, you should invest in pain relief. We recommend anti-inflammatory pain relief, such as Ibuprofen to keep inflammation-based discomfort to a minimum.

If you feel you are experiencing excessive levels of discomfort, however, feel free to call our team for a consultation.

Use the case

A key appeal of this invisible brace is that you can take it out.

And while you are out with friends or family eating in restaurants, we recommend placing them safely within the cases that they came with. This will prevent it from becoming damaged, warped and of course, will keep it clean!

Keep an eye on the time

For invisible braces to be effective, you need to wear them for 22 hours per day.

We advise you to build up a routine of checking your watch until you become acclimated to wearing the aligner correctly.