Are there any advantages to wearing Invisalign? 5 benefits from our team at Aura Dental

With the rise in celebrities talking about orthodontic treatment, chances are that if you have a crooked smile or a minor misalignment, you have looked into having it fixed using braces or aligners.


And if you are like most adults, you want a brace or aligner that is subtle but can offer you the strength of a regular brace without the metal affixed to your teeth. If you are suitable, then you may be able to undertake a clear or invisible aligner.

As the names suggest, these orthodontic options offer a visually discrete alternative to regular braces but can provide the necessary movement required to straighten teeth.

At Aura Dental, we are exceedingly proud to be able to offer our patients many different types of clear and invisible braces, including Invisalign in St John’s Wood. This world-famous aligner is custom-fitted to your teeth and it is simple to fit into a busy schedule, making it ideal for older teenagers and adults.

Are there any other advantages to trying Invisalign in St John’s Wood? Read on to find out!

Better oral health

Unlike conventional braces, when you try Invisalign in St John’s Wood, you can maintain good oral hygiene.

As this aligner is not fitted, it offers you the ability to clean your teeth as you would every day and it doesn’t provide plaque attracting sharp angles on your teeth. You can even take them out when you visit our team for a check-up!


OK, so as highlighted in the previous point, this aligner is removable.

And while that has obvious advantages for hygiene, it also offers you the chance to take them out when you eat, play sports or even give talks at work. As tempting as it is to leave this aligner out for as long as possible, you must remember to wear it for at least 22 hours a day to see any benefit concerning orthodontic straightening. So, keep them in!


Interestingly, clear and invisible aligners offer patients an accelerated treatment time too.

On average, it can take a regular brace up to 2 years to move teeth but with an aligner, this can be accomplished in 6 months. Remember, this will be based on the severity of the misalignment you have and if you don’t keep the aligner in for the time required each day, this will slow the procedure down.


As invisible braces gently push your teeth into their new positions, there is no need for adjustments or ‘tightenings’ to be made.

This means there is less pressure on your jaw overall, which equates to a more comfortable experience while wearing this aligner. But, you may feel some pressure when you change between aligners, which is to be expected.

Easy to use

If your aligner needs cleaning, run it under a cool tap. If it needs changing, then you can do it yourself. Best of all, you can send updates to our team about its progress via an app on your smartphone!