Just had Invisalign fitted? A survival guide for those first few weeks

When you are learning to cope with something new, whatever it is, it can be a challenge; more so when it is the presence of something in your mouth.


While adult orthodontics has come leaps and bounds in recent years, there are still some aspects that cannot be removed entirely. In this instance, the presence of something new on your teeth (even if it is invisible to the naked eye), can be tough to get used to.

And as many invisible and clear aligners are removable, this can make it all the more tempting to simply remove and forget about. But as you may have guessed, if you fail to keep these remarkable braces in your mouth, you cannot receive the benefits that come from wearing them.

So, how do you adapt to having a brace like Invisalign in St John’s Wood in your mouth? Our team at Aura Dental can provide you with some helpful hints and tips when you come to us for your realignment as an adult, alongside providing you with orthodontic treatments which are second to none. We pride ourselves on our customer care, so if you are an adult who has a question about a recently fitted brace, simply call us and we will endeavour to answer you promptly.

But what are some of our tips for adapting to Invisalign in St John’s Wood?

Consistent wear

While a key advantage of Invisalign in St John’s Wood is that it is removable, in those early weeks of adapting to it, you may want to keep it in your mouth all the time.

This will help you get used to the feel of it against your tongue and cheeks, and will also help you to learn how to speak faster than if you were constantly removing it.

Vocal exercises

Our team at Aura Dental can advise you on oral exercises to help your tongue adapt to the presence of an invisible brace.

While it may sound odd, singing is a great way to get yourself used to a brace as it utilises more facial muscles than talking alone does, so download your favourite songs and get singing!

Same time removal

Once you are comfortable with removing the brace, try to do so at the same time each day; this will build a routine which will help you slot it into your daily life.

While it is out of your mouth, try to eat food and clean the brace as this will aid in the routine forming behaviours needed for this brace to be successful.

Keep it clean

If you do not clean this brace, it will feel uncomfortable in your mouth which will probably prompt you to remove it.

It is easy to clean; simply run it under a cold tap (never hot, as it will warp!), and brush off any debris with a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Stay in touch!

Keep in regular contact with our team at Aura Dental about progress and any queries you may have.