Not sure how to manage your new Invisalign brace? Your top 5 FAQs answered by Aura Dental

When you are researching invisible braces online, it is easy to discover what they are used for, what they are made from and even the most affordable options.


But what is often overlooked is the day-to-day bits and pieces that many people, who are new to wearing braces, may be unfamiliar with.

While most adult orthodontic options are removable and offer more discretion than traditional metal braces, once they are in place, few people actually know how to care for them correctly. Traditional braces come with regular check-ups to assess straightening, hygienist appointments for cleaning, while offering the physical ability to see if there is an error with a bracket detaching. Not so with invisible braces!

So, when you choose Aura Dental to undertake your invisible braces, we will aim to provide you with as many day to day tips to make the transition into wearing the brace as comfortable as possible. Indeed, we are specialists when it comes to invisible braces like Invisalign in St John’s Wood and are happy and able to answer any questions that you may have about this brace.

But what are some of the day-to-day concerns that our patients have about Invisalign in St Johns Wood? Read on to find out.

Can I take them out whenever I want?

As tempting as it is to take this brace out, it is not advisable.

Of course, you can remove it to eat food, drink tea or brush your teeth but apart from that, you should aim to keep it in for 20-22 hours each day, or as often as our dentist recommends.

To fully see the benefits of Invisalign in St Johns Wood, it may be initially advisable to keep the brace in your mouth except for when it is absolutely necessary.

They look stained; how can I clean them?

These clear braces are quite easy to clean; simply run them under a lukewarm tap to remove any surface stains.

If that doesn’t work, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a pea-sized amount of toothpaste to gently clean the area. Do not use hot water or mouthwash, as these can damage the plastic.

How long will I need to wear each aligner for?

This depends on how many aligners you have, the severity of your misalignment and how often our dentist recommends changing the aligners. You should expect to change the trays every 2 weeks but talk to our team for more personalised advice.

My tongue is sore- is it related to the brace?

If you are new to wearing this brace, you may develop some sore spots around your mouth.

Ask our team for some dental wax to soften the harsh edges of the aligner until they naturally soften.

When will I start to see results?

Again, this will vary. Many of our patients see a change in their dental alignment within the first 2 weeks of wearing invisible braces. If you have concerns about lack of movement, talk to our team.