Can you eat while wearing Invisalign? Dos and don’ts of using this invisible brace

When you want to achieve straighter teeth as an adult, you will probably have spoken to at least one dental professional about adult braces.


While relatively commonplace, clear and invisible braces are new to many adults who want to get a straighter smile and as their names suggest, the discretion of these aligners makes them exceedingly popular.

At Aura Dental, our team are proud to be able to offer our suitable patients clear and invisible braces, and can even offer the infamous Invisalign in St Johns Wood. We will oversee every part of the fitting, treatment, and will advise you on how you can get this remarkable brace to work for you as an individual.

If you have been looking online at invisible braces, you may have read conflictual advice.

Our team at Aura Dental discusses some good habits to get into while using Invisalign in St Johns Wood.

Wear it for the allocated time

For Invisalign in St Johns Wood to work, you will need to wear it for at least 22 hours per day.

Failure to do so will result in a slower realignment of your teeth.

Carry its casing with you

When out and about, when you remove this brace, be sure to keep it in the casing it came with. This will keep it dent free and will also prevent bacteria accumulation.

Keep it clean!

It is easy to keep this plastic-based brace clean; simply run it under a cold tap and remove any debris with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Failing to keep the aligner clean may result in bacteria being pressed against your enamel, which could cause decay.

Invest in a small toothbrush

Carry a small toothbrush with you so that after you finish eating, you can give your teeth a quick brush before putting the brace back in.

And here are some tips on what not to do while wearing this invisible brace!

Wear it while eating

Wearing this brace while eating may damage it, which will prevent it from working effectively. Always be sure to remove it before eating meals or drinking anything besides water.

Clean it with hot water

As mentioned before, this brace is made from plastic and, like other items made from this material, it can warp and bend if exposed to hot temperatures.

It is important to avoid cleaning this brace with hot water. Avoid mouthwashes for cleaning this brace too, as they can cause discolouration.

Eat sticky or hard foods

Hard and sticky foods will inevitably damage the brace and, even if you remove the brace while eating sticky foods, it may lead to a film-forming on your teeth which will be hard to remove with your mini brush. And as no-one wants cavities, it is best to avoid these types of consumables altogether.

Avoid check-ups

Even though this brace comes with an app, it is important that you keep your check-ups with our team at Aura Dental, so we can assess if the brace is working correctly.