Can I get braces at 25? Advantages of adult orthodontics

In the adult world, confidence is key to almost every area.


And if you were one of the children who outright refused to wear an aligner as a child, you may have grown to realise how important straight teeth are!

Not only do straighter teeth make daily interactions easier, but it has also been found that in the workplace, people who have straighter teeth have an improved chance of being listened to and are seen as more reliable by customers and other members of staff.

There are now ways to get straighter teeth as an adult without the use of traditional metal aligners. Clear and invisible aligners are helping thousands of adults across the globe get the straighter smile that they want, without concern about appearances.

At Aura Dental, our team is proud to be able to offer the most suitable patients Invisalign braces in St. Johns Wood. Discrete, removable and easy to care for, these braces can easily be fitted around a busy lifestyle, without needing to attend dental check-ups every few weeks. Personalised to fit over your teeth, Invisalign can help you get that straightened smile you

deserve in under a year. Fantastic!

But how else can Invisalign braces in St.Johns Wood improve your life?


Having a straight smile is great, but being able to show off your teeth while wearing these braces in St. Johns Wood is what separates Invisalign from other braces.

It is made from a clear plastic, which gently pushes your teeth into their new locations, without the need for metal brackets or wires so no-one one will know you are wearing it!


Any dentist will tell you that straighter teeth are easier to clean.

One advantage of getting straighter teeth in your adult years is how easy it becomes to clean your teeth effectively.

And of course, cleaner teeth equates to a whiter smile and reduces the risk of cavities and gum disease.


As mentioned before, if your teeth are not aligned, it is easier for plaque and bacteria to stay in your mouth undetected.

There have been mountains of evidence which has highlighted the link between excess plaque in the mouth and secondary issues like heart disease, diabetes and even cancer.

So, getting your teeth realigned as an adult can significantly improve your long-term health and avoid the development of life-threatening diseases.


With crooked or spaced teeth, it can be hard to not only bite into food in a single bite, but it can be tougher to grind food correctly.

And as this is what teeth are designed to do, it creates an issue with functionality.

Straighter teeth will allow you to bite into food and to chew it properly, without bits getting stuck in between your teeth!

Better sleep

Misaligned teeth can cause nocturnal grinding, which can lead to broken sleep, headaches and migraines.

Straightening your teeth can alleviate those morning headaches, reduce the occurrence of migraines and will help you get a good night’s sleep!

Can I remove a rotten tooth myself? Reasons why home dentistry can be dangerous

In 2020, there have been many challenges to face in relation to everyday health due to COVID-19.


And, unsurprisingly, there has been a decrease in patients who are willing or able to visit their dental surgeries due to concerns over contracting coronavirus. Unfortunately, these difficult circumstances have led to a worsening of dental issues for many people and due to the lack of

dental surgeries that have been open, it has led to a rather startling trend.

There has been a surge in patients attempting to remove teeth and treat abscess at home, as opposed to seeking medical advice. While it can be advisable to treat a mild toothache at home with medication, anything more serious requires the input of a dental team.

And our dentist in St John’s Wood is here to help. At Aura Dental, we are proud of our emergency dental service and can offer patients who are experiencing dental pain, abscesses or any other uncomfortable conditions an appointment within 24 hours. This will leave you free of discomfort, and able to go about your day during these tough times.

But why should you avoid trying to perform dentistry at home? Our dentist in St John’s Wood answers that question below.


If you were to have an extraction in the dental chair, our dentist in St John’s Wood would be able to stem the bleeding.

However, the ‘tying a piece of string to a door and then slamming it’ idea for removing a rotten tooth may not only damage the tooth but can also lead to extensive bleeding. And as you will not be able to control this bleed, you should always see our team if you have a toothache.

Worsening of issue

Another advantage of visiting a dental professional is that they will undoubtedly be able to improve the issue. On the other hand, whichever issue you are trying to treat at home may be worsened, resulting in you visiting an emergency team anyway. Skip the discomfort, and come straight to us!


Dental infections can be serious and, as mentioned before, if you are trying to pull a tooth at home, you run the risk of introducing an infection.

If you are worried that you need an extraction, contact our team at Aura Dental for advice and an emergency appointment.

Lack of sterile equipment

Our team only uses sterilised equipment, which has had all of the bacteria removed chemically.

If you try to do any kind of complex dental care at home, your tools simply won’t cut it, regardless of how clean you may think they are.

As your safety is our priority, come to our team for any dental procedures in one of our clean, sterile treatment rooms.


And finally, even if you are trained as a dental professional, you still should not try at-home dental care!

Lacking experience when trying to perform dental procedures is likely to cause a lot of secondary damage, so contact our team for an emergency appointment immediately.

Not sure how to manage your new Invisalign brace? Your top 5 FAQs answered by Aura Dental

When you are researching invisible braces online, it is easy to discover what they are used for, what they are made from and even the most affordable options.


But what is often overlooked is the day-to-day bits and pieces that many people, who are new to wearing braces, may be unfamiliar with.

While most adult orthodontic options are removable and offer more discretion than traditional metal braces, once they are in place, few people actually know how to care for them correctly. Traditional braces come with regular check-ups to assess straightening, hygienist appointments for cleaning, while offering the physical ability to see if there is an error with a bracket detaching. Not so with invisible braces!

So, when you choose Aura Dental to undertake your invisible braces, we will aim to provide you with as many day to day tips to make the transition into wearing the brace as comfortable as possible. Indeed, we are specialists when it comes to invisible braces like Invisalign in St John’s Wood and are happy and able to answer any questions that you may have about this brace.

But what are some of the day-to-day concerns that our patients have about Invisalign in St Johns Wood? Read on to find out.

Can I take them out whenever I want?

As tempting as it is to take this brace out, it is not advisable.

Of course, you can remove it to eat food, drink tea or brush your teeth but apart from that, you should aim to keep it in for 20-22 hours each day, or as often as our dentist recommends.

To fully see the benefits of Invisalign in St Johns Wood, it may be initially advisable to keep the brace in your mouth except for when it is absolutely necessary.

They look stained; how can I clean them?

These clear braces are quite easy to clean; simply run them under a lukewarm tap to remove any surface stains.

If that doesn’t work, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a pea-sized amount of toothpaste to gently clean the area. Do not use hot water or mouthwash, as these can damage the plastic.

How long will I need to wear each aligner for?

This depends on how many aligners you have, the severity of your misalignment and how often our dentist recommends changing the aligners. You should expect to change the trays every 2 weeks but talk to our team for more personalised advice.

My tongue is sore- is it related to the brace?

If you are new to wearing this brace, you may develop some sore spots around your mouth.

Ask our team for some dental wax to soften the harsh edges of the aligner until they naturally soften.

When will I start to see results?

Again, this will vary. Many of our patients see a change in their dental alignment within the first 2 weeks of wearing invisible braces. If you have concerns about lack of movement, talk to our team.

How can a dentist prevent migraine headaches? A brief guide from Aura Dental

A condition that affects up to 1 million people per year in the UK, migraine headaches are anything but a minor health concern.


Characterised by visual auras, feelings of nausea followed by an intense headache, this neurological condition can be devastating to functioning adults. While there are many underlying causes associated with migraines such as low serotonin levels, mental health concerns and even genetic components, there are many environmental factors which can cause them to occur more frequently.

Why are migraines being discussed in a dental article? Because one of the leading causes of recurrent migraines is dental issues.

If you frequently suffer from migraine headaches with little to no relief from medication provided by your doctor, come and see our dentist in St Johns Wood for an assessment. We will examine whether your migraines are caused or exacerbated by your teeth and will offer you a solution, if we determine a link between the two. Perfect!

But what are some of the dental issues that can lead to migraines or even tension headaches? Read on to find out.


Usually occurring at night, grinding typically occurs when there is a misalignment of the molars.

As you sleep, your jaw muscles relax and the lower jaw can fall back. If your teeth are not correctly aligned, this can cause you to grind your teeth together.

After a night of this, you may wake up with a stiff neck and shoulders which can cause a migraine to develop. If you regularly experience headaches in the morning, talk to our dentist in St Johns Wood about having a nightguard fitted in order to eliminate grinding.


Similar to grinding, occlusion occurs when your teeth do not ‘sit’ correctly when your mouth is closed.

This can lead to abnormal muscle movements when you are eating food or talking. Like grinding, this can cause your muscles to pull and become sore, putting you at a higher risk of developing a migraine. If you think you have an occlusion issue, contact our dentist in St Johns Wood to discuss potential orthodontic treatments.

Temporomandibular joint disorder

A disorder that impacts on the movement of muscles in your jaw, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) has been linked to recurrent migraines.

Our team at Aura Dental will assess the severity of TMJ by feeling the muscles in your jaw as you open and close your mouth. Depending on the severity, we may recommend exercises to relax the tense muscles or we may even suggest visiting a physical therapist.

Missing teeth

If you have recently had an extraction and are now experiencing migraines, this is once again caused by an issue with your bite alignment.

We can treat this by fitting a prosthetic such as a bridge, partial denture or dental implant.


Technically, this is known as referred pain.

If you have untreated tooth decay, this can cause pain to occur in your ears, head or neck. If you haven’t had a check-up in a while, contact our team for one today.

Does wearing braces have to be so obvious? A guide to our adult aligners at Aura Dental

Do you remember a time when having orthodontic treatment would equate to wearing metal aligners?


Not so any more! Surprisingly, in modern times, orthodontic treatments have changed so dramatically that even adults who have slightly misaligned teeth are seeking them out. As this field of dentistry has advanced, the need for metal aligners has reduced and it is now possible to get a straighter smile using either a clear or invisible aligner.

At Aura Dental, we have a myriad of different braces in St. Johns Wood for you to choose from. Specially selected by our orthodontists and cosmetic dental team, we will ensure that the aligner you wear is as discreet as possible and will be provided in the fastest timeframe possible, allowing you to get on with your day to day life without too many dental appointments. Perfect!

But what are some of the braces in St Johns Wood that we can offer you at Aura Dental?


As the most well-known of all the invisible aligners we offer, Invisalign is one of our most popular braces in St Johns Wood.

Custom-fitted to slot over your teeth, this set of clear trays gently applies pressure to your teeth without the need for tightening, giving you the smile you want in 6 months (on average).

Six Month Smiles

One of our pure cosmetic aligners, Six Month Smiles is attached to the front 6 teeth in your mouth and is designed to improve the aesthetics of your smile. This popular option is not suited for moving molars or more advanced orthodontic cases, but it can straighten minor misalignments in 6 months or less (it’s in the name!).

Inman Aligners

A clear aligner, the Inman aligner uses clear plastic and titanium coil springs to gently push your teeth into the desired alignment.

Ideal as a stand-alone treatment or as an option for straightening teeth before cosmetic options, this aligner is removable and offers a turnaround time of around 6 months, depending on the severity of the misalignment.

Lingual Aligners

Fixed to the inside of the teeth, Lingual aligners are a suitable option for those who have more severe cases of misalignment but don’t want to wear the regular orthodontic aligner.

By tightening and adjusting to create the sedated effect, this option is discreet and easy to use but offers treatment time of 24 months.

Damon Aligners

Damon aligners are a fitted brace which utilises clear, plastic brackets and a thin wire to gently push your teeth.

Suitable for more complex cases, this aligner will require tightening but is exceedingly fast, with an average treatment time of 12 to 18 months.


Once you have completed your orthodontic treatment with our team at Aura Dental, it is essential that you wear a retainer to prevent relapsing.

Our team can offer a standard, orthodontic retainer which is removable, or we can offer a Vivera retainer, which is 30% stronger than standard options, ensuring that your teeth don’t fall out of line.

Wisdom teeth erupting and causing discomfort? 5 reasons to see our dentist at Aura Dental

When you lost your baby teeth at 7-11 years of age, you may have thought it would be the last time you would have to go through the ordeal of having new teeth erupting.

Sadly, you may have been wrong!

A condition that affects almost everyone between the ages of 15-25 is the eruption of wisdom teeth. Also known as the third molars, these are the last set of teeth to come in and, understandably, can cause a bit of discomfort. If you are concerned that your wisdom teeth may be coming through at an odd angle or they are causing you issues when opening your mouth, contact our team at Aura Dental.


At Aura Dental, we know all about the complications that wisdom teeth can cause and our dentist in St Johns Wood will be able to assess the best way to treat your newly erupting teeth. If your mouth can happily accommodate them, we may choose to let them come through naturally and offer you pain relief for the discomfort. If there isn’t enough room or there are secondary issues, we may opt for extraction.

But what are some of the secondary issues that wisdom teeth can cause? Our dentist in St Johns Wood provides the answer to that question below.


Perhaps the most common complication that wisdom teeth can cause is an impaction.

Caused by the tooth erupting at a crooked angle, this can create pressure on any surrounding molars, leaving you with a feeling of pressure and soreness in your jaw bone.

If our dentist in St Johns Wood notices that you have an impacted wisdom tooth (usually following an X-Ray), we will opt to extract it to prevent further damage.


Another common condition associated with wisdom teeth is infection.

While some wisdom teeth develop infected roots, others become infected at the site where they have erupted. As there is often a gap between the newly cut wisdom tooth and the surrounding gum, this is the perfect place for bacteria to become trapped.

If your wisdom tooth is infected, our team will aim to remove it and treat the infection with antibiotics.

Secondary damage

A wisdom tooth can press against the roots of surrounding molars, causing them to crack and become damaged.

While this may not be visible on the surface, our team at Aura Dental will always perform an X-Ray when wisdom teeth are emerging, allowing us to assess whether they require extracting.

Periodontal issues

Swelling, gaps and bacteria can all cause gum or periodontal disease and when it comes to wisdom teeth, they are no exception to this general dental rule.

Periodontal issues often occur alongside the eruption of wisdom teeth and we will aim to resolve these issues before attempting to extract the offending tooth or teeth.


Tooth eruption is quite uncomfortable. As mentioned earlier, if we determine that you have sufficient space in your mouth for your wisdom teeth to erupt, we will offer you pain relief in the interim. Simple!

Fixing malocclusions with Invisalign in St.John’s Wood

At Aura Dental we know that looking your best will help you feel your best and give you the confidence to step out into the world with a smile that wins over hearts and minds. Orthodontics has been shown to transform a shy hidden smile into a confident glowing one. While many people know about the amazing effects and benefits of the Invisalign orthodontic treatment for discreetly straightening teeth, some of you may not know that we can use this therapy to treat malocclusions too. By correcting the bite, we not only fix the teeth but can also subtly change the facial structure with Invisalign in St. John’s Wood.

What are malocclusions?


To put it simply, malocclusions are problems with the bite of your mouth. Ideally, the top and bottom rows of teeth should sit neatly on top of one another without any gaps, but often this is not the case, there are many different types of bite issues that people have:

Overbite: This is when the front of the top row of teeth sit slightly over the bottom row, many people have a mild case of overbite which doesn’t really affect how the face looks, but in more rare cases this can be quite severe, with the bottom jaw receding much further back than it should, causing breathing issues and possibly elongated front teeth. It is important to note that while Invisalign in St. John’s Wood can help correct slight overbite issues, there more severe cases will need more intensive orthodontics.

Underbite: the opposite to overbite, an underbite is when the bottom row of teeth jut forward slightly and sit further out than the top row of teeth causing the tops teeth to fall behind the bottom. This causes a very awkward smile for those suffering from this malocclusion. People with severe underbites will have a forward jutting jaw which is very apparent both from the side profile and the front and may need more intensive orthodontic treatment for a while before Invisalign can be implemented.

Openbite: this occurs when someone bites down and there are still gaps between the top and bottom rows of teeth, this occurs when the rows of teeth slant outward slightly and require orthodontics to pull them back.

Cross bite: while the other issues we have explained are all vertical, a cross bite occurs when there are issues laterally with the teeth, when the molars especially slant either more towards the cheeks or the tongue instead of upwards as they should.

How can Invisalign treat malocclusions?

While shifting teeth into alignment is relatively straight forward, moving the bite takes a more advanced knowledge but with Invisalign in St. John’s Wood our experienced dentists can place small tooth-coloured buttons on your teeth that the aligners can interact with, thus applying more pressure to the teeth to push them into position and fixing more malocclusion cases than was ever before possible with this treatment. It may take a little more time to correct these issues but you will still be able to enjoy the benefit of an invisible treatment plan that Invisalign is so famous for and who knows, as technology advances, this may one day be the only thing people need to fix any orthodontic problem.

Your biggest concerns laid to rest at a dentist in St. John’s Wood

When it comes to general dentistry there are three things that many people could be worried about; Extractions, fillings and root canal therapy. Many dentists don’t understand why people are so afraid as they never perform surgery without completely numbing a patient’s mouth first. At Aura Dental we know that part of the problem is not knowing what to expect and not knowing what happens after because, of course, we cannot see what the dentist in St. John’s Wood is doing in our mouths. In this article, we hope to provide some explanation for these common procedures so that you can go into your appointment with knowledge instead of fear.

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Holes in the teeth are often caused by poor diet or poor oral care Sugary and acidic foods degrade the state of the protective enamel on the teeth and eventually cause small holes in or between the teeth. Not flossing regularly can also leave food particles between the teeth which then begin to create holes in the tooth. This is where fillings come in, before that hole exposes the tooth to a big infection, we need to fill it for you.

This is a procedure we do just about every day at the dentist in St. John’s Wood. First we numb the side of the face that needs work by blocking the nerve that feeds that particular area. Once the local anaesthetic has taken effect we will drill into the hole in order to make sure the cavity is free from infection and shape the hole in order to properly fill it. Once this area is clean, we insert a composite bonding material (this is a tooth coloured synthetic substance as metal amalgam fillings are no longer used). Once the area is full of bonding material, we shape it in order to fill and construct the area of the tooth we drilled away and then use a light to harden the material.

Root canal

Root canal therapy is needed when there is an infection in the pulp of the tooth. This infection will be causing you an extreme amount of pain and getting the treatment means taking your pain away, not giving you more. We need to clean out the infected pulp before it rots the whole tooth, in order to do this we will have to drill away the top middle section of the tooth to gain access. Once the pulp is exposed we wash it all out and fill the tooth once more with a synthetic substance and cap the tooth off with a crown. It really is as simple as that, but if you don’t get it done, we will eventually need to pull that tooth out.

Tooth extractions

If a tooth does become rotten or severely injured, it will need to come out before infection has spread to the surrounding teeth. Like with all surgical treatments we will block the nerve going to your mouth so that the dentist in St. John’s Wood can work on you pain-free. The tooth in question is likely to be quite degraded and will probably break under pressure so we may take it out in sections and then clean the gum and socket properly before stitching you up. An option to replace the tooth will likely be discussed with you before the extraction.

A note on wisdom teeth – this surgery is often done under sedation or general anaesthetic and you will not feel or remember anything. Wisdom teeth do not need to be replaced as they are not necessary and cannot be seen as they grow right in the back of your mouth.

Choosing the right braces in St. John’s wood

With orthodontics at Aura Dental, you are spoiled for choice when it comes to picking out the right kind of braces in St. John’s Wood. We have so many different kinds to treat different problems and budgets that it really is your one-stop practice for this kind of treatment. From teens to working professionals, there is a brace out there that’s right for you and in-depth consultation for orthodontics with our highly trained dentists can set you on the right path to a straighter and more beautiful smile. We have traditional braces, clear aligners and many other kinds of devices that you might not even know exist, which is what we hope to explain in this article. Technology has come such a long way in recent years so there has never been a better time to seek orthodontic care.


Types of Braces in St. John’s Wood

Whether you are in school, a student or even an adult with an office job or thriving business, it’s never too early or too late to fix crooked teeth and malocclusions. Straighter teeth have proven to be easier to clean and therefore you can look forward to having a healthier mouth, not to mention a more beautiful smile which holds the secrets to the laws of attraction. Well at least it will certainly help, just like these types of braces can help fix your teeth:

Lingual Braces – a different take on traditional braces, lingual braces use brackets that are fixed to the back of the teeth instead of the front of the teeth like traditional braces. A wire is then threaded through these brackets and different tensions are applied in order to pull the teeth into position. Like with traditional braces, lingual braces can be used to pull a stray tooth into place in a way that clear aligners might not manage, but by being set on the back of the teeth, lingual braces in St. John’s Wood still offers a reasonable amount of discretion.

Invisalign – the favourite child of the orthodontic world, Invisalign offers state of the art technology for straighter teeth sooner than with traditional braces and with far more discretion. In fact, these clear aligners are just about invisible when worn and can even make your teeth look shiner while wearing them because of the bright clear plastic. The technology used to custom create this system for you is like none other, with painless scans that allow a computer to 3D print your aligners so you can get an exact and snug fit each time. Depending on how complicated your teeth are to begin with will determine how long you need to use the aligners for, people with mildly crooked teeth can see results in just a few weeks while the more complicated cases may take 6-9 months.

Inman Aligners – this is probably the quickest way to fix the front ‘social’ teeth. In just a matter of weeks the unique Inman aligner both pushes and pulls the teeth into position at the same time by wedging them between two thin wires which are placed under tension in order to close any gaps, fix forward protruding teeth and correct crookedness.

These are the 3 main solutions we offer patients for their orthodontic issues however, there are at least 4 more options for you to discuss with our dentists before choosing what’s best for you, we also offer a range of retainers which will help you keep the shape of your newly fixed teeth for years to come.

Taking care of the littlest members of the family at a dentist in St. Johns Wood

Adults are often the target of oral care advertising. Whether it’s a new whitening toothpaste or discreet orthodontics, there are thousands of articles and ads out there to get you to buy into one treatment or another. This makes sense seeing as small children are not likely to be the target audience of a blog article, however, this does not mean that there isn’t a wide variety of treatment options available for your little ones that will benefit their oral care now and in the future. At Aura Dental, your dentist in St. John’s Wood, we want to give your kids premium treatment, whether they just come for a ride in the chair and a little inspection or they are at the stage where we can do fissure sealant on their teeth, they are never too young to see the dentist.

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The importance of early visits

Creating good habits early in childhood can help ensure that these habits are continued into adulthood, from correct tooth cleaning to regular dental visits, you can teach your children that oral health is a vital part of their existence and this mindset can be instilled at a very young age. Children as young as 2 years old can come for a ride in the chair in order to help them feel that a trip to the dentist is fun rather than scary, we create an environment for kids that they feel comfortable with and start to build a relationship from them when they’re young that we hope can continue well into their adolescence and adulthood.

Removing stigma and fear before it has a chance to set in is another part of raising kids to feel comfortable with the dentist in St. John’s Wood. By ensuring that their early appointments are positive ones, we can guarantee that when they are faced with someone that tells them the dentist is scary, they will be able to respond for themselves that it simply isn’t true.

Treatments for kids

While bringing children up to love the dentist in St. John’s Wood is important, so is the actual care of their teeth, which is why there are treatments available just for kids to ensure the health and strength of their teeth as they grow up.

Fluoride treatments – unfortunately, children can get cavities too, especially if they are regularly consuming sugary foods and drinks. Their soft young teeth are vulnerable to cavities and that pain isn’t pleasant. But we can paint a fluoride varnish onto teeth as soon as they have grown (yes, this includes baby teeth) in order to protect them from harmful foods. This treatment can be done with each regular bi-annual or quarterly trip to the dentist.

Fissure sealants – further protection to children’s teeth come in the form of a fissure sealant. This is like a glue that we insert onto the tops of the back teeth which seals them off as they are growing in order to stop food from collecting inside the back teeth.

Orthodontic monitoring – did you know that children as young as 6 or 7 can get orthodontic appliances to help guide the growth of the teeth into the correct position, bu monitoring the growth of your kid’s teeth over the years and through the use of X-rays we are able to predict any orthodontic issues that may present themselves and fix them earlier rather than later.