Wisdom teeth erupting and causing discomfort? 5 reasons to see our dentist at Aura Dental

When you lost your baby teeth at 7-11 years of age, you may have thought it would be the last time you would have to go through the ordeal of having new teeth erupting.

Sadly, you may have been wrong!

A condition that affects almost everyone between the ages of 15-25 is the eruption of wisdom teeth. Also known as the third molars, these are the last set of teeth to come in and, understandably, can cause a bit of discomfort. If you are concerned that your wisdom teeth may be coming through at an odd angle or they are causing you issues when opening your mouth, contact our team at Aura Dental.


At Aura Dental, we know all about the complications that wisdom teeth can cause and our dentist in St Johns Wood will be able to assess the best way to treat your newly erupting teeth. If your mouth can happily accommodate them, we may choose to let them come through naturally and offer you pain relief for the discomfort. If there isn’t enough room or there are secondary issues, we may opt for extraction.

But what are some of the secondary issues that wisdom teeth can cause? Our dentist in St Johns Wood provides the answer to that question below.


Perhaps the most common complication that wisdom teeth can cause is an impaction.

Caused by the tooth erupting at a crooked angle, this can create pressure on any surrounding molars, leaving you with a feeling of pressure and soreness in your jaw bone.

If our dentist in St Johns Wood notices that you have an impacted wisdom tooth (usually following an X-Ray), we will opt to extract it to prevent further damage.


Another common condition associated with wisdom teeth is infection.

While some wisdom teeth develop infected roots, others become infected at the site where they have erupted. As there is often a gap between the newly cut wisdom tooth and the surrounding gum, this is the perfect place for bacteria to become trapped.

If your wisdom tooth is infected, our team will aim to remove it and treat the infection with antibiotics.

Secondary damage

A wisdom tooth can press against the roots of surrounding molars, causing them to crack and become damaged.

While this may not be visible on the surface, our team at Aura Dental will always perform an X-Ray when wisdom teeth are emerging, allowing us to assess whether they require extracting.

Periodontal issues

Swelling, gaps and bacteria can all cause gum or periodontal disease and when it comes to wisdom teeth, they are no exception to this general dental rule.

Periodontal issues often occur alongside the eruption of wisdom teeth and we will aim to resolve these issues before attempting to extract the offending tooth or teeth.


Tooth eruption is quite uncomfortable. As mentioned earlier, if we determine that you have sufficient space in your mouth for your wisdom teeth to erupt, we will offer you pain relief in the interim. Simple!