Author: Aura Dental

Myths about Invisalign debunked by Aura Dental

In recent years, invisible aligners have gained immense popularity as a discreet and convenient alternative to traditional braces for teeth straightening. Despite their proven effectiveness, there are several myths and misconceptions surrounding these orthodontic devices.


And we have heard them all! At Aura Dental, our team has heard all the myths you can imagine surrounding Invisalign St John’s Wood, and we are here to answer any questions you have about the aligners so you know what to expect during treatment.

In this article, our dental team will debunk five common myths about Invisalign St John’s Wood to provide accurate information and help individuals make informed decisions about their orthodontic treatment.

Myth 1: Invisible aligners are only for minor corrections

One prevalent misconception about invisible aligners is that they are only suitable for individuals with minor teeth misalignments. However, advancements in orthodontic technology have expanded the capabilities of Invisalign St John’s Wood, making them effective for a broader range of cases, including moderate to severe misalignments. Dentists can now create customised treatment plans using aligners that address complex issues, such as overcrowding, overbites, underbites, and crossbites. These aligners gradually push the teeth into the desired position over time, offering a versatile solution for various orthodontic needs.

Myth 2: Treatment with invisible aligners takes longer

Another common myth is that the treatment duration with invisible aligners is significantly longer compared to traditional braces. While the timeline for treatment can vary depending on the severity of the case, advancements in aligner technology and treatment planning have reduced the overall treatment duration. In fact, for many mild to moderate cases, aligner treatments can be completed in a similar timeframe as traditional braces. Additionally, aligners offer the advantage of fewer in-person appointments, making them a convenient option for those with busy schedules.

Myth 3: Aligners are uncomfortable

Some individuals believe that wearing invisible aligners is uncomfortable and painful due to the pressure applied to the teeth. However, discomfort associated with aligners is usually mild and temporary, similar to the discomfort experienced with traditional braces. Aligners are designed to fit snugly over the teeth, gradually exerting pressure to shift them into the desired position. While there might be some initial soreness or pressure during the first few days of each new aligner, this discomfort tends to subside as the mouth adjusts. Modern aligner materials are also designed with comfort in mind, minimising irritation to the gums and cheeks.

Myth 4: Aligners can’t fix complex bite issues

Contrary to the belief that only traditional braces can correct complex bite issues, invisible aligners have evolved to address various bite problems effectively. Dentists use advanced treatment planning software to create a series of aligners that target specific tooth movements necessary for bite correction. This approach allows aligners to correct overbites, underbites, and crossbites by strategically adjusting the position of the teeth throughout the treatment. In many cases, patients with complex bite issues can achieve successful results with aligners without the discomfort and visibility of traditional braces.

Myth 5: DIY aligners are just as effective as professional treatment

With the rise of direct-to-consumer orthodontic solutions, another myth is that at-home aligner kits are as effective as professional treatment provided by dentists. While DIY aligners might seem like a cost-effective option, they lack the expertise and supervision of a qualified dentist. Professional treatment involves a comprehensive evaluation, a personalised treatment plan, and regular monitoring to ensure safe and effective results. DIY aligner kits can lead to serious complications if not used correctly, such as incorrect tooth movement, bite issues, and even damage to the teeth and gums.

Need fixed braces as an adult? A guide to Damon braces from our dentist

It is a reality that, for whatever reason, some people missed the window of getting braces as a child or teenager. Or, they may have undertaken them, only to not stick with their retainer treatment, leading to a reversion of their teeth to their original positions.


So, you may have been told by a dental team that you need to wear a fixed brace to correct it. Luckily, orthodontic treatment has come a long way, even in the last five years, and now, you can undertake a brace like the Damon brace.

At Aura Dental, we are happy to be able to offer our patients all manner of braces and aligners, and our dentist, St. John’s Wood, will help you look after your oral health with any appliance that is selected to straighten your teeth.

You may be wondering, however, what the Damon brace is and how it differs from other braces. Here, our dentist St John’s Wood, explains.

What is a Damon brace?

The Damon brace is a fixed orthodontic tool that is made from traditional metal brackets and archwires.

Unlike other braces that our dentist St John’s Wood can offer, this brace does not have the elastic bands holding the wire to the bracket. Instead, each bracket has a little door at the front that can be opened and closed to change or alter the wires. So, it’s less fiddly.

The archwires themselves are made from titanium, meaning they are not heat-activated; this means that you won’t have discomfort due to the heat of your mouth causing the wires to press on your teeth.

Treatment length

You will usually be told that treatment with the Damon brace will take around two years, but this is an estimate. For some people, it is shorter, and for others, it may take a bit longer. You will usually need to see our team every 10 weeks for assessments and tightening.

You will be advised that during this time, you will need to see our team for check-ups and even attend hygienist appointments to ensure that your gums are healthy. It is also worth noting that as your teeth move, areas of the teeth that have calculus or tartar will come into view, and, unfortunately, no amount of brushing is going to remove that! So, you will need a professional clean from a hygienist.

Cleaning with the Damon brace

The Damon brace is not removable, so you will need to up your oral hygiene routine to ensure that your teeth stay healthy.

We advise that you use an electric toothbrush, a water flosser, and a high fluoride toothpaste. You can also use an orthodontic mouthwash. Just be sure to brush twice a day, or you may develop gum disease or decalcification.


A fixed brace will impact what you eat, so you need to avoid hard foods, sticky foods, and crunchy foods. No popcorn, no caramel, and no apples (unless they are cut down!). Aim for softer, high-calorie foods (weight loss is an issue with braces) to keep yourself healthy. Porridge, yoghurt, pasta, and soup are great places to start. Bananas are fine, as is chocolate, provided there are no nuts or caramel fillings.

What you need to know about Invisalign from our team

A beautiful smile is not only a symbol of confidence but also an indicator of oral health. In the quest for straighter teeth, many individuals are turning to invisible aligners as a discreet and convenient solution. If you’re considering this modern orthodontic option, there are several essential things to know to make an informed decision and get the most out of your treatment journey.


If you want straighter teeth without the hassle of fitted braces, then come and see our team at Aura Dental. We will be able to assess your suitability for Invisalign St John’s Wood and will oversee the entire process for you, allowing you to get the most out of the treatment. Great!

However, what do you need to know about Invisalign St John’s Wood before starting treatment? Read on to find out!

What are invisible aligners?

Invisible aligners or Invisalign St John’s Wood, are an option for correcting misaligned teeth and bite issues. Crafted from transparent medical-grade plastic, these aligners are custom-made to fit snugly over your teeth. The treatment process involves a series of these aligners, each slightly adjusted from the previous one to gradually guide your teeth into their desired positions. The remarkable feature of these aligners is their inconspicuous nature, making them a preferred choice for those who wish to maintain a natural appearance while undergoing orthodontic treatment.


One of the most compelling reasons individuals opt for invisible aligners is their discreetness. Unlike traditional braces, which involve metal brackets and wires, these clear aligners are unnoticeable when worn, allowing you to smile confidently throughout your treatment.

However, you need to take care not to stain the aligners, which can happen if you smoke or consume food or drinks high in tannins. Also, avoid pasta sauce if you can; it can easily stain your teeth!


You may have heard that aligners are removable. They are! This means you don’t have to worry about cutting back on the food items that you love. It also means you won’t have to buy a tonne of toothbrush bits to clean your teeth!

However, it also means you are in sole control of when they are worn, meaning you need to keep them in for a minimum of 20-22 hours per day, or as advised by our team.


The absence of metal components means there’s no risk of brackets or wires irritating your mouth. Invisible aligners are made from smooth plastic, ensuring a more comfortable experience. So, there is less of a chance that you will develop sores inside your mouth, and the aligners will be comfortable to wear.

Predictable results

Advanced technology is used to plan the entire treatment process digitally; this means you can see a virtual representation of how your teeth will move and what your smile will look like at the end of the treatment.


Invisible aligners require fewer in-person visits compared to traditional braces. You’ll receive several sets of aligners at a time, minimising the need for frequent check-ups.

Braces aftercare; what are fixed retainers? A guide from our dentist

In the realm of orthodontics, the journey to a beautifully aligned smile doesn’t end with braces or aligners. The role of retention is crucial to maintaining the results achieved through orthodontic treatment. Hence, all orthodontic and dental teams will push their patients to wear retainers for as long as possible!


When you come to Aura Dental, we will aim to help you get the smile you want, and our dentist St John’s Wood will be on hand to help you maintain your newly aligned smile, as well as any fixed orthodontic tools.

One of the orthodontic tools we see a lot is a fixed retainer. Here, our dentist St John’s Wood, will explore their role in your orthodontic journey.

Understanding fixed dental retainers

Fixed dental retainers, often referred to as bonded or permanent retainers, are slender wires made from special materials like stainless steel or composite. These wires are custom-made to the lingual (tongue-side) surface of the teeth. Unlike removable retainers that require diligent wear, fixed retainers work silently behind the scenes to keep teeth in their desired positions. They are typically attached to the teeth on both the upper and lower dental arches, creating a discreet but reliable retention solution.

With this device, you will need to make sure you maintain dental hygiene to a high level, and our dentist St John’s Wood can help you do this.

Why do I need a fixed retainer?

Of course, there are many reasons why you would need to wear a fixed retainer.

Continuous retention

One of the key benefits of fixed dental retainers is their consistent and uninterrupted retention. Since they are always in place, there’s no room for forgetfulness or neglect that might occur with removable retainers; this ensures that the teeth maintain their alignment over the long term.


Fixed retainers are virtually invisible to the naked eye. Placed on the lingual side of the teeth, they remain hidden from view when you smile, talk, or eat; this makes them a popular choice for individuals who want to maintain their orthodontic results without drawing attention to their dental appliances.


While some patients might experience initial discomfort as they adjust to the presence of the retainer, fixed dental retainers tend to be quite comfortable once this adjustment period is over. Unlike removable retainers, there’s no need to get used to the sensation of placing and removing them.


Since fixed retainers don’t require removal for eating or cleaning, they offer unparalleled convenience. There’s no need to remember to put them back in after meals, and maintaining oral hygiene is relatively straightforward, though some special techniques might be needed.


Fixed retainers work actively to prevent any minor shifting that could occur after orthodontic treatment. They act as a safeguard, ensuring that the investment in braces or aligners doesn’t go to waste.

Of course, as they are fixed, you will need to ensure that your oral hygiene is kept to a higher level, much as you did when you wore braces; this is where our dental team can help by providing dental cleanings and scaling treatments to remove calculus and plaque.

Invisalign for healthy, beautiful teeth

Invisalign St John’s Wood is a modern and highly effective method of teeth straightening, preferred by patients across the world as an excellent alternative to traditional braces. Traditional braces are highly efficient at straightening complex orthodontic issues. However, they are also visible in the mouth and can often draw unwanted attention to your teeth. If you want to address your orthodontic issues and you wish to do so at your discretion without drawing unwarranted stares to your mouth, then you need to find out about Invisalign St John’s Wood and whether or not it is suitable for you.


Invisalign for healthy teeth

Invisalign St John’s Wood can be used to address a whole range of orthodontic issues, including crooked and wonky teeth, protruding front teeth, overlapping teeth, overcrowded teeth, and different types of bite disorders, such as overbite, underbite and crossbite. By addressing these issues Invisalign helps you achieve a neatly aligned smile that is attractive to look at and increases your self-confidence and your self-esteem. It also reduces dental health complications. This is because straightening your teeth helps reduce the build up of plaque and tartar on your teeth, which means your teeth are less likely to develop cavities, tooth decay or gum disease. Rather you can maintain a beautiful smile and enjoy healthy teeth and gums at the same time.

Invisalign aligners

Firstly, our dentist will need to make sure that it is safe to straighten your teeth. This means checking for any signs of cavities, tooth decay or gum disease. If your teeth are affected by decay or disease, then it will not be safe to straighten your teeth yet. You will have to undergo a course of general dental treatment and restore your dental health to begin with. Once your teeth and gums are healthy and strong, then your dentist will carry out an intraoral scan of your mouth and show you how your teeth can be improved using Invisalign. These scan results can be used to design a sequence of aligners that will help align your teeth into a neater formation. The number of aligners depends on how crooked or wonky teeth are to begin with and varies from patient to patient. Aesthetic issues of the teeth can be corrected with up to 10 or 20 aligners. Mild and moderate misalignment issues of the teeth are often corrected with 20 to 40 aligners and complex orthodontic issues may need 50 or more aligners to straighten your teeth.

Each aligner works for up to 2 weeks and then you have to move on to the next aligner in the series. It is important that you wear your aligners correctly for optimal results. Each aligner needs to be in your mouth for approximately 22 hours of the day during these 2 weeks. You need to remember to take them out if you eat anything or drink anything other than water and brush your teeth thoroughly before you put the aligners back into your mouth. In this way, you will be able to correct the misalignment issues of your teeth and achieve a beautiful, healthy smile very soon.

The importance of elderly patients visiting the dentist

It is important that you maintain good dental hygiene and visit our dentist at Aura Dental on a regular basis, at least once every six months, to make sure that your teeth and gums are clean, strong and free of any signs of tooth decay or gum disease. Visiting our dentist St John’s Wood regularly is important from an early age, it needs to be continued throughout all stages of life and especially as you get older. With age, the teeth weaken and there is an increased risk of dental health complications. Therefore, regular dental appointments with our dentist St John’s Wood at Aura Dental are very important for elderly patients, especially as good dental health is closely related to overall health and wellbeing.


Tooth decay

Regular visits to the dental practice can help prevent elderly patients from developing tooth decay, gum disease, and tooth loss. Studies show that elderly patients are at an increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Tooth decay is more likely because the enamel is much weaker in older patients. This is as a result of wear and tear over the years despite possibly maintaining good dental hygiene. The enamel is more susceptible to damage from the acids and toxins released by bacteria in the mouth. It is important that you maintain good dental hygiene and keep your mouth as clean as possible, and when you visit the dentist any excess plaque and tartar will also be removed from your teeth to reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth.

Gum disease

Gum disease is also more likely in older patients because of gum recession which is a natural part of the ageing process to a certain extent. Gum recession exposes the root surfaces which can result in further tooth decay and even wobbly teeth. Also, it is found that elderly patients are more likely to develop dental health complications as a result of certain medications. A staggering 50% of patients over the age of 75 suffer from a certain extent of tooth decay or gum disease. Regular visits to our dentist St John’s Wood means that any signs of cavities or tooth decay can be detected early on and treated accordingly. When these issues are detected at an early stage, they can be treated quickly and easily without the need for extensive or invasive medical treatment. This is important for elderly patients who do not necessarily want to be spending hours in the dentist’s chair. Some treatments and procedures may not be suitable for very elderly patients either. Preventive dental care is much easier than having to undergo extensive, invasive dental treatment at an old age.

Maintain the function of your mouth

Issues that are common in elderly patients are difficulties with biting, chewing, eating and swallowing favourite foods in general. By maintaining regular visits to our dentist patients’ teeth should remain healthy and strong, and they should be able to eat and enjoy their favourite foods for the rest of their life.

If you are an elderly patient or are taking care of an elderly patient then speak to our dentist at Aura Dental today and find out more about good dental health for the elderly.

Invisalign for teeth straightening with aligners

If you are thinking about improving the appearance of your smile, then you need to speak to us at Aura Dental and find out about the different types of braces that are available for you. Orthodontic treatment can be carried out for patients with healthy teeth and gums. It is important that you visit the dentist on a regular basis and maintain good dental hygiene to prevent plaque and tartar from developing on your teeth. When plaque and tartar develop on your teeth, it increases the chance of developing cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease. If you visit the dentist on a regular basis, any signs of cavities, tooth decay or gum disease can be detected early on and treated quickly and effectively. To reduce your chance of developing plaque and tartar you need to find out about teeth straightening. Crooked and wonky teeth have more plaque and tartar on their surface than teeth in a neatly aligned smile. By straightening your teeth you will improve the appearance of your smile and you will also improve your dental health at the same time.



A popular method of teeth straightening is with Invisalin St John’s Wood. Invisalign St John’s Wood has been used for over 20 years helping to treat 14 million patients already. Invisalign St John’s Wood has become one of the most popular modern methods of teeth straightening worldwide and is used by patients of all ages including children, teenagers and adults. There is no upper age limit for Invisalign, as long as your teeth are clean, healthy and strong. Our dentist will carry out a 3D scan of your mouth that can be manipulated to show you how your teeth will look after teeth straightening.

Invisalign aligners

If you like what you see then our dentist can design a sequence of aligners that will help you achieve these results. Invisalign aligners are made of clear thermoplastic and designed and printed using the latest in digital dental technology. The patented thermoplastic is latex-free and BPA-free and precision cut for accuracy and comfort. They take approximately 2 to 4 weeks to be designed, manufactured and delivered to our dental practice.

Once the aligners are ready, we will book you in for your initial fitting. You will need small attachments to be fitted onto the surface of your teeth that will hold the aligners firmly in place. The small attachments are invisible in the mouth. You may need attachments on all of your teeth or some of your teeth and this varies from patient to patient. After the initial fitting, you will take the aligners home and the rest of the process can be carried out by yourself in the comfort of your own home. The number of aligners varies from patient to patient. Some patients require less than 10 aligners, others require between 40 and 50. On average, a patient requires around 20-30 sets of Invisalign aligners. Each aligner is worn for 2 weeks and they need to be in your mouth for approximately 22 hours of the day. After that we move on to the next aligner in the series. You can visit us after every 3 or 4 aligners to make sure that the process is coming along successfully. Speak to us at Aura Dental today to find out more.

Why do children need to visit the dentist on a regular basis?

A baby’s first teeth appear anywhere from around six months of age to their first birthday. Some can be earlier and some can be later, the timeline varies. If your baby’s teeth are taking time to erupt then usually there is no need for concern. Often delayed tooth eruption is due to genetics and speaking to family members can put your mind at ease. Other possible causes include premature birth, low birth weight or poor nutrition. If your baby is affected by developmental or endocrine disorders then this can delay tooth eruption too. There are no serious risks related to baby teeth coming in late, but if they have not erupted by 18 months, it is strongly recommended that you book an appointment with our dentist St John’s Wood. Our dentist St John’s Wood will inspect your child’s mouth and may decide to take dental X-rays to confirm that the teeth are present. Where necessary, you may be referred to other specialists for further examination.


Good dental hygiene

Once the teeth begin to erupt, it is important that you implement a good dental hygiene routine from the outset. Baby teeth need to be brushed twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste. It is important that this is done by the parent or the carer using a tiny amount of toothpaste. Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay and makes your baby’s teeth stronger. Another way to look after your baby’s dental health is by promoting a healthy diet from a young age. The diet needs to be high in calcium to promote healthy teeth and strong bones.

What to avoid for healthy teeth

Milk, cheese, and yoghurt are good sources of calcium. You need to limit sugar intake in food and drink and you should avoid milky drinks at night as they can encourage the formation of tooth decay. You should try to swap from using a bottle to a beaker as soon as possible as this can also have a detrimental impact on your child’s teeth and can affect the alignment of their teeth as an adult.

This is the same for a baby’s dummy. By avoiding a dummy, you will promote better dental health. Thumbsucking is another factor that can cause dental complications in children and in the future when they are adults. It should be discouraged and your child will thank you when they are older.

Brushing should be carried out by an adult up until the age of six or seven, after which the children should be able to brush their teeth by themselves. Even then it should be supervised. Children need to be brushing their teeth at least twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste. They should not rinse their mouth after they have brushed, rather they should spit out the remaining toothpaste and let the fluoride sit on their teeth, preventing cavities and tooth decay. Book an appointment with our dentist St John’s Wood at Aura Dental for you and your family today and make sure that you are taking good care of your children’s teeth, as not only is it important for their overall health and wellbeing now, it is important for the rest of their lives.

Surprise, surprise! Invisalign St John’s Wood can change your smile!

Are you tired of hiding your smile because of misaligned teeth? Do you wish you could realign your teeth discreetly without the use of visible braces? If the answer is yes, then Invisalign St John’s Wood might be the right solution for you! Aura Dental is a renowned dental practice in St John’s Wood, and we have been finalists in numerous prestigious dental awards. We are proud to offer this hi-tech treatment to help you achieve the smile you’ve been dreaming of.


What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an innovative system for realigning your smile that utilises clear, custom-made aligners to gently move your teeth into the desired positions. These aligners are practically invisible, making them a discreet and convenient choice for both teenagers and adults seeking treatment without everybody knowing about it. Invisalign has gained immense popularity over the years due to its effectiveness and aesthetics, making it an attractive alternative to getting great results with fixed metal braces.

How does Invisalign work?

At Aura Dental, we offer a free virtual consultation, where you can speak with one of our friendly and experienced dentists about your goals for your smile. You can take this opportunity to fact find out about the treatment options and ask all the questions you need to feel fully informed about them. If you wish to learn more, you can come to see us for a face-to-face consultation, where we can examine your mouth and assess which of the treatment options would be appropriate for you specifically. If Invisalign St John’s Wood is the right option for you, we will use iTero technology to create a digital 3D image of your teeth. This is advanced scanning technology and will allow us to show you an animation of what your teeth will look like after your treatment is over and give you a precise time of when the treatment should conclude. Ultimately, this will allow our dental team to design a personalised treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.

Based on the treatment plan, a series of clear aligners will be custom-made for you. Each set of aligners is designed to be worn for about two weeks before moving on to the next set. As you progress through the series, your teeth will gradually shift into the desired positions. The aligners should be worn for at least 20-22 hours a day, and they can be easily removed for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing, meaning that you won’t need to avoid any foods or worry about not being able to clean your teeth properly, as there will be nothing in your mouth to thwart your oral hygiene routine!

Approximately every six weeks, you will then need to visit Aura Dental for a check-up to monitor your progress and receive the next set of aligners. The total treatment duration varies depending on the complexity of your case, but on average, it can take anywhere from six to 18 months to achieve the desired results.

So, if you are interested in finding out more about Invisalign St John’s Wood, simply contact us at Aura Dental for award-worthy treatment. We are committed to providing high-quality care and will ensure that you get the personalised treatment you deserve and expect to receive. While it will be a surprise to other people when you get your new smile (they shouldn’t have noticed your aligners after all!), you may also be surprised by just how wonderful the Invisalign journey is – join us for the ride!

Make your smile complete with Aura Dental’s dentist St John’s Wood

At Aura Dental, we have been finalists for numerous awards in major competitions, such as the Private Dentistry Awards and The Dentistry Awards. Of course, being nominated for awards is a reflection not just of the skills and expertise that our professional team has but also of the results we achieve using the latest techniques and treatments. If you have lost one or more of your teeth, you only need to come and see our dentist St John’s Wood for a beautiful new smile. Losing teeth can be a major blow to your self-confidence, and we don’t want you to suffer when you don’t have to. Missing teeth can make it difficult to eat and speak. However, if you’re missing teeth, dental implants may be the perfect solution for you.


What are dental implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that can be placed in your jawbone and act like artificial roots for your replacement teeth. They provide a stable foundation for replacing missing teeth with crowns, bridges, or dentures, and the replacement option you have will depend on how many teeth you need to replace. Dental implants are made of titanium, which is a strong and durable material compatible with the human body.

What are the causes of missing teeth?

There are many reasons why people lose teeth, and one of the most well-known is tooth decay. Tooth decay is the most common cause of tooth loss. It occurs when plaque, a sticky film of bacteria, builds up on your teeth. If plaque is not removed, it can eventually eat through the enamel and dentin layers of your teeth, exposing the soft inner layer called the pulp. If the pulp becomes infected, the tooth may need to be extracted. At Aura Dental, we believe that prevention is always better than the cure, and we will always help you and your family to prevent tooth loss, but if it is already at that stage, then dental implants can help.

Another cause of tooth loss is gum disease, which is also known as periodontitis. Gum disease is a serious infection that can damage the gums and bones that support your teeth. If gum disease is not treated, it can eventually lead to tooth loss. Sometimes, it is impossible to avoid tooth loss if you have an accident. For example, you might lose a tooth if you are in a car accident, have a fall, or get injured playing sports. While this is unavoidable, our dentist St John’s Wood may be able to offer dental implants and help you get a natural-looking and functioning smile back again to soften the blow! Finally, you may also find that injuries to the jawbone can also lead to tooth loss. For example, you might lose a tooth if you have surgery on your jawbone or if you are involved in a fight.

How long do dental implants take to fit?

The process of getting dental implants can take several weeks, as you need time to let your gums heal once the implants have been fitted. However, the actual treatment to place the implants typically only takes a few hours at our dental practice, and you will only need local anaesthesia for it. If you are nervous, we can also offer sedation as part of your treatment plan. Once the implants are fitted, you will need to wait several weeks for them to osseointegrate, which means they will fuse to your jawbone. Once the implants have osseointegrated, you can have crowns, bridges, or dentures placed on them, and there shouldn’t be any movement at all because of this.

Free consultation

So, if you would like to find out more about dental implants or any of our other treatments, you can contact us for a free virtual consultation with our dentist St John’s Wood, who will be happy to discuss your goals and advise you about suitable treatment options. If you do get dental implants, we can make your smile complete within just a couple of appointments, and you can smile again!