Make your smile complete with Aura Dental’s dentist St John’s Wood

At Aura Dental, we have been finalists for numerous awards in major competitions, such as the Private Dentistry Awards and The Dentistry Awards. Of course, being nominated for awards is a reflection not just of the skills and expertise that our professional team has but also of the results we achieve using the latest techniques and treatments. If you have lost one or more of your teeth, you only need to come and see our dentist St John’s Wood for a beautiful new smile. Losing teeth can be a major blow to your self-confidence, and we don’t want you to suffer when you don’t have to. Missing teeth can make it difficult to eat and speak. However, if you’re missing teeth, dental implants may be the perfect solution for you.


What are dental implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that can be placed in your jawbone and act like artificial roots for your replacement teeth. They provide a stable foundation for replacing missing teeth with crowns, bridges, or dentures, and the replacement option you have will depend on how many teeth you need to replace. Dental implants are made of titanium, which is a strong and durable material compatible with the human body.

What are the causes of missing teeth?

There are many reasons why people lose teeth, and one of the most well-known is tooth decay. Tooth decay is the most common cause of tooth loss. It occurs when plaque, a sticky film of bacteria, builds up on your teeth. If plaque is not removed, it can eventually eat through the enamel and dentin layers of your teeth, exposing the soft inner layer called the pulp. If the pulp becomes infected, the tooth may need to be extracted. At Aura Dental, we believe that prevention is always better than the cure, and we will always help you and your family to prevent tooth loss, but if it is already at that stage, then dental implants can help.

Another cause of tooth loss is gum disease, which is also known as periodontitis. Gum disease is a serious infection that can damage the gums and bones that support your teeth. If gum disease is not treated, it can eventually lead to tooth loss. Sometimes, it is impossible to avoid tooth loss if you have an accident. For example, you might lose a tooth if you are in a car accident, have a fall, or get injured playing sports. While this is unavoidable, our dentist St John’s Wood may be able to offer dental implants and help you get a natural-looking and functioning smile back again to soften the blow! Finally, you may also find that injuries to the jawbone can also lead to tooth loss. For example, you might lose a tooth if you have surgery on your jawbone or if you are involved in a fight.

How long do dental implants take to fit?

The process of getting dental implants can take several weeks, as you need time to let your gums heal once the implants have been fitted. However, the actual treatment to place the implants typically only takes a few hours at our dental practice, and you will only need local anaesthesia for it. If you are nervous, we can also offer sedation as part of your treatment plan. Once the implants are fitted, you will need to wait several weeks for them to osseointegrate, which means they will fuse to your jawbone. Once the implants have osseointegrated, you can have crowns, bridges, or dentures placed on them, and there shouldn’t be any movement at all because of this.

Free consultation

So, if you would like to find out more about dental implants or any of our other treatments, you can contact us for a free virtual consultation with our dentist St John’s Wood, who will be happy to discuss your goals and advise you about suitable treatment options. If you do get dental implants, we can make your smile complete within just a couple of appointments, and you can smile again!