Need fixed braces as an adult? A guide to Damon braces from our dentist

It is a reality that, for whatever reason, some people missed the window of getting braces as a child or teenager. Or, they may have undertaken them, only to not stick with their retainer treatment, leading to a reversion of their teeth to their original positions.


So, you may have been told by a dental team that you need to wear a fixed brace to correct it. Luckily, orthodontic treatment has come a long way, even in the last five years, and now, you can undertake a brace like the Damon brace.

At Aura Dental, we are happy to be able to offer our patients all manner of braces and aligners, and our dentist, St. John’s Wood, will help you look after your oral health with any appliance that is selected to straighten your teeth.

You may be wondering, however, what the Damon brace is and how it differs from other braces. Here, our dentist St John’s Wood, explains.

What is a Damon brace?

The Damon brace is a fixed orthodontic tool that is made from traditional metal brackets and archwires.

Unlike other braces that our dentist St John’s Wood can offer, this brace does not have the elastic bands holding the wire to the bracket. Instead, each bracket has a little door at the front that can be opened and closed to change or alter the wires. So, it’s less fiddly.

The archwires themselves are made from titanium, meaning they are not heat-activated; this means that you won’t have discomfort due to the heat of your mouth causing the wires to press on your teeth.

Treatment length

You will usually be told that treatment with the Damon brace will take around two years, but this is an estimate. For some people, it is shorter, and for others, it may take a bit longer. You will usually need to see our team every 10 weeks for assessments and tightening.

You will be advised that during this time, you will need to see our team for check-ups and even attend hygienist appointments to ensure that your gums are healthy. It is also worth noting that as your teeth move, areas of the teeth that have calculus or tartar will come into view, and, unfortunately, no amount of brushing is going to remove that! So, you will need a professional clean from a hygienist.

Cleaning with the Damon brace

The Damon brace is not removable, so you will need to up your oral hygiene routine to ensure that your teeth stay healthy.

We advise that you use an electric toothbrush, a water flosser, and a high fluoride toothpaste. You can also use an orthodontic mouthwash. Just be sure to brush twice a day, or you may develop gum disease or decalcification.


A fixed brace will impact what you eat, so you need to avoid hard foods, sticky foods, and crunchy foods. No popcorn, no caramel, and no apples (unless they are cut down!). Aim for softer, high-calorie foods (weight loss is an issue with braces) to keep yourself healthy. Porridge, yoghurt, pasta, and soup are great places to start. Bananas are fine, as is chocolate, provided there are no nuts or caramel fillings.