Invisalign for teeth straightening with aligners

If you are thinking about improving the appearance of your smile, then you need to speak to us at Aura Dental and find out about the different types of braces that are available for you. Orthodontic treatment can be carried out for patients with healthy teeth and gums. It is important that you visit the dentist on a regular basis and maintain good dental hygiene to prevent plaque and tartar from developing on your teeth. When plaque and tartar develop on your teeth, it increases the chance of developing cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease. If you visit the dentist on a regular basis, any signs of cavities, tooth decay or gum disease can be detected early on and treated quickly and effectively. To reduce your chance of developing plaque and tartar you need to find out about teeth straightening. Crooked and wonky teeth have more plaque and tartar on their surface than teeth in a neatly aligned smile. By straightening your teeth you will improve the appearance of your smile and you will also improve your dental health at the same time.



A popular method of teeth straightening is with Invisalin St John’s Wood. Invisalign St John’s Wood has been used for over 20 years helping to treat 14 million patients already. Invisalign St John’s Wood has become one of the most popular modern methods of teeth straightening worldwide and is used by patients of all ages including children, teenagers and adults. There is no upper age limit for Invisalign, as long as your teeth are clean, healthy and strong. Our dentist will carry out a 3D scan of your mouth that can be manipulated to show you how your teeth will look after teeth straightening.

Invisalign aligners

If you like what you see then our dentist can design a sequence of aligners that will help you achieve these results. Invisalign aligners are made of clear thermoplastic and designed and printed using the latest in digital dental technology. The patented thermoplastic is latex-free and BPA-free and precision cut for accuracy and comfort. They take approximately 2 to 4 weeks to be designed, manufactured and delivered to our dental practice.

Once the aligners are ready, we will book you in for your initial fitting. You will need small attachments to be fitted onto the surface of your teeth that will hold the aligners firmly in place. The small attachments are invisible in the mouth. You may need attachments on all of your teeth or some of your teeth and this varies from patient to patient. After the initial fitting, you will take the aligners home and the rest of the process can be carried out by yourself in the comfort of your own home. The number of aligners varies from patient to patient. Some patients require less than 10 aligners, others require between 40 and 50. On average, a patient requires around 20-30 sets of Invisalign aligners. Each aligner is worn for 2 weeks and they need to be in your mouth for approximately 22 hours of the day. After that we move on to the next aligner in the series. You can visit us after every 3 or 4 aligners to make sure that the process is coming along successfully. Speak to us at Aura Dental today to find out more.