You too can have beautifully straight teeth with braces in St John’s Wood

Having crooked teeth, a misaligned bite, or gaps in your teeth can cause problems with eating, talking and oral health day to day. Wonky teeth can be much harder to clean, increasing your chances of needing fillings, or suffering with gum disease. They can also make you feel pretty self-conscious if you are unhappy with the way they look. Does this sound like you? Perhaps it’s time to consider braces in St John’s Wood.

Braces in St John’s WoodA team you can trust

Here at Aura Dental, we can help you to achieve a healthy, beautiful smile that you can feel proud of with braces in St John’s Wood. Our friendly team is passionate about making smiles look great and we have a number of braces options to suit any lifestyle. No matter how mild or severe the misalignment problem, teeth can be straightened with fixed or removable braces.

Our braces

We have various discreet braces to offer you. From invisible braces to hidden brackets and tooth-coloured braces. Below, some of the options are explained. For the full range of information give us a call to make an appointment to talk about braces in St John’s Wood.

The Inman Aligner

This removable brace will straighten your front teeth in a very short time. Many people complete their treatment in just 6-18 weeks. As this brace is removable, it is a great choice for people who may need to take their braces out sometimes. However, this shouldn’t be necessary too often as the brace is hardly noticeable. You will only see a thin metal wire at the front of your teeth when it’s being worn, and sometimes not even that.

Invisible braces

An even more discreet option is Invisalign clear aligners. These removable custom–made aligners are made from thin clear plastic and are worn over the teeth. They can work across the entire tooth arches of both the upper and lower jaw.

Six Month Smiles

Six Month Smiles is a brace that offers a fixed solution, ideal for patients who want a full treatment in a relatively short time period. The tooth–coloured brackets and wires make them a more attractive fixed option compared to traditional metal braces.