Worried about braces?

Are you feeling anxious about getting braces in North West London? You may be wondering whether it will hurt to have them fitted, or whether they will be uncomfortable once on. Well, you can rest easy because discomfort experienced from braces is totally manageable. Let’s take a look at what you can expect throughout the braces process.

braces-in-north-londonFitting of braces

There should be minimal pain when braces are applied to the teeth. You may find that it takes you longer to eat meals the day you have the braces fitted however, as you’ll need to adjust your chewing in order to get used to them. It’s best to stick to softer foods such as yogurt, soup and pasta for the first few days.

First three days

As your teeth begin to realign you may feel some discomfort. This usually happens within the first week of having the braces in North West London and it will be more of an ache than an actual pain. If you have traditional braces you’ll still be getting used to the pressure of the wires and elastic ligatures, but this can be eased with over-the-counter pain medication. You can also apply wax to the braces to keep them from rubbing against the inside of your mouth. The pain will typically be gone within three to five days.

After appointments

You will have to see the dentist regularly to have the braces tightened, as the teeth move. You may feel the same discomfort for a few days after these appointments. Braces work by slowly moving your teeth into proper alignment and adjustments to the braces are needed so they continue to move the teeth.

Dealing with discomfort

Most people find the discomfort associated with braces to be inconvenient but possible to manage. When it does occur, it is only for a few days and over-the-counter medications and rinsing your mouth with salt water help to alleviate it.

It’s normal to feel anxious about braces in North West London but it really is nothing to worry about and the results far outweigh the discomfort. For more information about getting braces in North West London, contact Aura Dental today!