What makes Invisalign in St John’s Wood worth it?

As we get older our teeth can start to slowly rotate and change position in our mouths, although extreme cases of misalignment are rare, a crooked tooth or two can put a damper on a once confident smile. To remedy that our team uses a sophisticated invisible brace treatment to help straighten out your smile and restore that dazzle.


So if you have some troublesome teeth you would like taken care of, then here are a few reasons as to why Invisalign in St John’s Wood might be worth a consideration.

What is it?

An appointment for Invisalign in St John’s Wood is fairly straightforward and involves our team fitting you with a custom moulded device that is made from a see-through, plastic material. The goal of this brace is to slowly realign any crooked teeth you may have into a neater and straighter position within your gum line.

This is managed through the gentle application of pressure at specific points in your mouth by the brace. Depending on the treatment you may also have to wear additional braces as your teeth turn in place, to ensure that the amount of force being placed on them is continued at the right time and in the right portions of your mouth. Doing so allows the realignment to progress uninterrupted so you can get that straighter smile you deserve.

At Aura Dental our team will assess your case quickly to find out how we can improve and strengthen your smile, with your very own set of high-quality, professionally-produced transparent braces.

How is it different from a normal brace?

Realigning your teeth can be performed with a normal bracket and wire brace setup just as well as a see-through variety, but there are some minor differences between the two to keep in mind.

For one thing the clear braces are completely see-through, rendering them almost invisible, which is a big plus for those that may feel a little self-conscious about wearing dental gear out in public. Another difference is that the transparent braces are also completely removable, thanks to them being designed like specialised mouthguards that you can pop out for brushing your teeth, eating meals or to give them a clean.

Although, if you do plan on taking out your brace we recommend that you only do so for short periods, as extended removal of it could negatively impact your realignment. If possible, try to keep it in your mouth for at least 22 hours a day

Advice for keeping your brace clean

To keep your new brace sparkling we recommend that you give it a light scrubbing with a recommended cleaning solution at least once every second day. Doing so will clear out plaque, kill bacteria and help reduce any staining that might be building up.

Hopefully this short list has helped to clear up a few facts about our invisible braces treatment. If you would like to learn more about this particular procedure, or to schedule an appointment for your own set of aligners, then just get in touch with our team at the practice.