Tooth straightening without metal braces: your treatment options

In the 21st Century, there are many alternatives to metal braces when it comes to straightening your teeth. At Aura Dental in North West London, we offer treatment with both discreet fixed braces and clear, removable aligners, designed to give you the straighter teeth you’ve always wanted without the world having to know you are undergoing treatment.

tooth-straighteningThere are many benefits to be gained from teeth straightening treatment, and not all of them are aesthetic. It is easier to keep better aligned teeth clean, because there are fewer gaps in which food particles can become trapped and dental plaque can build up.

As long as you pay regular visits to your North West London dentist and hygienist, straightening your teeth can significantly improve your oral hygiene, and can reduce your risk of the two most common causes of tooth loss – gum disease and dental decay.

North West London braces and aligners

When you come into Aura Dental in North West London for a teeth straightening consultation, your dentist will conduct a thorough clinical examination to determine the best course of treatment. This will depend upon the type and amount of correction that’s required, and may involve the use of aligners or braces.

Your North West London treatment options include:

Six Month Smiles

Six Month Smiles are cosmetic, tooth-coloured braces specifically designed to work on the “social six” teeth – the front teeth that are on show when you flash a smile. It is often these teeth that adults are interested in straightening at our North West London practice, and as the name suggests treatment with Six Month Smiles is completed in an average of just half a year.

Inman Aligner

This is a single use removable aligner that works rapidly to correct issues such as crowding or protrusion with the front teeth. Average treatment times with the Inman Aligner range from just six to 18 weeks, making it the fastest teeth straightening option at our North West London dental practice.

Invisible aligners

This option sees your dentist prescribe a series of clear, removable aligners that fit snugly over your teeth to guide them into a better position.