The difference between dental implants and dentures

When looking at your options, you may have been given several choices regarding replacing your teeth and are perhaps confused about the terminology that is frequently going around.

We wanted to take this opportunity to offer some insight into what options are available and why some treatment plans are recommended to you over others. It is good practice to always be informed of all of the available options that you have, so that you can make an informed decision as to what you believe is the right course of action for you to take.

dental-implantsBy highlighting the advantages and potential risks of every different treatment, our dentists at Aura Dental are gifting to you their many years of experience and training so that you can make the best possible decision.

Sometimes, you can feel cornered and confused, unable to take an option that seems right for you due to cost or other factors. By speaking with our compassionate, friendly and non judgemental staff, we can work through these concerns and reach an understanding whereby you are happy and at peace with your decision.

Dental implants in St. John’s Wood can be expensive. This is because they are not often covered by insurance or the NHS and therefore need to be paid for out of your pocket. We have considerate and favourable finance plans that allow you to achieve the health goals that are important to you. We will be happy to go through these with you when you come in to speak with us.

Dentures are an affordable option, but come with some drawbacks that might leave you feeling like your quality of life has been diminished. You may find eating certain foods to be difficult, if not impossible and over time you can lose confidence in your ability to laugh and talk without losing your teeth.

Thankfully, you can rectify this concern with dental implants in St. John’s Wood. The all-on-four treatment system enables you to securely attach your dentures onto four titanium rods placed strategically around your mouth for optimal support and comfort.

These titanium rods fuse with your jawbone and create a very long lasting and strong support system for your dentures to be attached to. They can be clipped into place and removed again for cleaning at your own convenience.

Dental implants in St. John’s Wood can give you back your confidence in your smile whilst maintaining jawbone health and strength. We strongly believe that for those people who do not want to feel inhibited by their smile but rather liberated by it, they should look into this procedure in depth to see if it is right for them.

How long does the treatment take?

Depending on whether you need to have some treatments performed initially to ready your jawbone for the insertion of the titanium rods, this treatment can take anywhere from several weeks to several months. However, ‘same day teeth’ is a common term used for this treatment because you can have the four rods inserted and a temporary denture plate placed into position on a single day, giving you a brand new smile in a single appointment.

A lot of this time is given to allowing correct fusion between the implant and bone, and this is monitored over several months to ensure that everything is going to plan.