Keep the structure of your face

The trouble with losing your teeth is that after a while you lose your face as well. Have you ever noticed how people who have lost their teeth seem to also have strangely thin, pointy jaws and a collapsed look to their cheeks? It’s not just that they no longer have the teeth to hold their cheeks in place, it is that their faces have actually changed shape, with the lower part, the jaw, becoming much smaller than before.

Dental Implants in St John’s WoodAt Aura Dental in St John’s Wood, dental implants are the solution to the problem of a shrinking jawbone brought on by losing your teeth. This is because dental implants replace the whole of the tooth and not just the crown. Having the root replaced is the key to maintaining the structure of your lower face. This is because the hundreds of tiny clashes that the teeth make during the day transmit vibrations into the roots and these vibrations send a message to the jawbone that it is still in use. Without the stimulus of these vibrations, the bone cells do not renew themselves. Even worse, the bone actively dissolves itself. This happens very quickly and you can lose as much as 25% in a very short period of time.

How does it work?

In St John’s Wood, dental implants are tooth root replacements that are inserted by your Aura Dental dentist into channels drilled into the jawbone. This minor surgery takes place under local anaesthetic, but you can also have sedation if you feel anxious about undergoing this surgery.

It takes a good few weeks for the titanium implant to heal into the jawbone, but as it does, titanium’s unique properties make your jaw bone grow around and into the implant as it would with the real, natural tooth. Once this process is complete, the implant is rooted into the jawbone as firmly as if it was a real tooth. Once the custom-made porcelain crown has been fitted, your implant will send the signals that your jawbone needs to keep renewing itself, and will continue to maintain the integrity of your facial structure for the rest of your life.

If you want to find out more about dental implants in St John’s Wood, why not call to arrange a consultation?