Information for teeth grinders at a dentist in St. John’s Wood

While some people may have a partner who has woken them up because of their teeth grinding, there are those who may not even notice they’re doing it or don’t have anyone around to point it out. Our dentists at Aura Dental will immediately be able to tell if you’re a tooth grinder from a single visit to the Dentist in St. John’s Wood and we have options that can help treat this difficult to break habit. But how else can you tell if you’re clenching or grinding your teeth, if it’s something you do in your sleep or subconsciously when you’re awake? What signs can you look out for?


Signs of habitual tooth grinding

The most obvious thing to look out for is if you’re doing it while you’re awake. In many cases it has been found that once patients are aware of it, they notice they are doing it more and more. Being mindful is the first step, but what else might you notice?:

Tooth sensitivity – teeth grinding will cause the outer layers of the tooth enamel to wear away and will expose the more sensitive part of the tooth. This will make them sensitive to extreme temperatures both hot and cold in your mouth.

Jaw pain – those jaw muscles and tendons will be working overtime if you’re clenching and grinding your teeth and if you have begun to notice a dull ache in your jaw, it could be that you are grinding your teeth.

Headaches – especially in the morning, maybe an indication that you are grinding your teeth in your sleep, waking up with a dull headache is not normal and could be indicative of tooth grinding.

Jaw clicking or locking – if you are finding that it is difficult to open your mouth all the way, or that your jaw clicks when you yawn or locks up when you eat, you may be grinding and clenching your teeth which has resulted in TMJ issues.

The cause of all of this could be a combination of many factors; stress, dental problems or even some medications can exacerbate the problem but an in-depth conversation with your dentist in St. John’s Wood can help make the cause of your problems more clear as well as a possible solution for them as well.

What if I’ve ground my teeth into stumps?

In a case where someone has been grinding their teeth for years without treatment, you may find that you have worn your teeth right down and are less effective than they once were, it’s not like they can grow back, so what can we do? Well, as your dentist in St. John’s Wood, we want to give you the best alternatives for new teeth and while we know you may run and hide at the thought of removable dentures, there is certainly a more secure option with dental implants. Speak to one of our highly experienced dentists about this option if you have found that your teeth are shortened due to wear and let us find a solution for your best overall dental health.