How effective is Invisalign in St John’s Wood?

Invisalign is an example of how teeth straightening techniques have come a long way in the last twenty years or so. This treatment has acquired cult status over the years since it allows patients to straighten their teeth without wearing metal brackets and wires.

But is Invisalign really effective? At Aura Dental, we use Invisalign to treat a wide number of dental problems and we are constantly pushing the boundaries of clinical possibility. Invisalign in St John’s Wood can help you smile with confidence again.

Invisalign in St John’s WoodHow is Invisalign different from conventional braces?

Invisalign uses a different mechanism to conventional braces for moving teeth. Rather than pulling the teeth into position, it uses pressure points inside the aligners to nudge teeth into position. And whereas braces require brackets and wires, Invisalign is made of a system of plastic, transparent removable aligners. These aligners are made with the help of 3D technology for the best fit possible. Patients should change them every 7-10 days to see their teeth gradually move into their correct position.

Invisalign in St John’s Wood is more convenient than regular braces, because the aligners can be removed any time for eating and brushing your teeth. Moreover, the aligners are easy to use and do not require constant adjustments just like metal braces. Last but not least, Invisalign aligners require shorter treatment in most cases compared to conventional braces and this is an added bonus for professional adults.

Practical and effective

Many people fail to understand that Invisalign is not a substitute for metal braces. As a matter of fact, Invisalign is a powerful and effective treatment in its own right. Invisalign in St John’s Wood can be customised to treat a number of dental conditions including crowded and gapped teeth. The system works well for most teeth straightening issues. However, if your teeth are severely misaligned, you may need to start with traditional braces before moving to Invisalign.

Commitment is key

As with most treatments, the most important aspect of Invisalign in St John’s Wood is a commitment to your therapy. You need to wear your aligners for at least 20-22 hours every day for them to be effective.