Essential information about implant-retained dentures and dental implants in St John’s Wood

Have you become accustomed to wearing dentures? Then you are probably not thrilled at the thought of changing over to a new device.

Despite any inconveniences, dentures have served you well for the most part. So why not give them an upgrade so you can continue to wear a prosthesis you can trust?

dental-implant-retained-denturesImplant-supported dentures provide the stability that standard versions sometimes lack, with a similar frame that you have always used.

If you want to improve your dentures without having to switch to another prosthesis, come and have a chat with one of our highly skilled and experienced dentists at our clinic, Aura Dental.

In what cases can this variation of dental implants in St John’s Wood be worn?

If you do not have teeth but possess bone in your jaw, then denture-supported implants could be a possibility for you.

These types of implants are typically used for the lower jaw, which is more prone to becoming unstable over time, but can also be used for the upper jaw.

Is the device permanent?

It is up to you whether you want dentures that are permanent or removable. If you are not sure about which type is better for your needs, our dental practitioner will provide you with all the information you need to assist you in making an informed choice.

If you choose detachable dentures, you should remove them as you would with standard dentures and soak them in a solution overnight to prevent them from drying out.

More people are opting for dental implants in St John’s Wood that are permanent; that way, they do not have to remember to take out their device before bed.

Do I have to incorporate new steps into my teeth-cleaning regime?

If you choose removable implant-supported dentures, then you probably are no stranger to the rigorous cleaning routine that comes with a device of this kind.

To keep the device from getting dirty, stained or to prevent it from becoming a breeding ground for bacteria, you must remove old food particles after eating.

Before you go to sleep, pop the device in a cleaning solution or water to ensure it does not dry out; never use hot water because the heat can warp its shape.

Permanently attaching dentures onto dental implants in St John’s Wood is bound to simplify your teeth cleaning routine. Remember to brush and floss daily, and then enjoy life unimpeded by a faulty tooth restoration device.

How do you attach the device?

This depends on whether your dentist uses bar-retained or ball-retained dentures.

Bar-retained dentures comprise of a thin wire, which follows the shape of your jaw and is attached to your implants. Clips are added to the wire to which the set of dentures are fastened.

Ball-retained dentures work differently. An implant holds an attachment which fits into another attachment affixed to the denture.

Is there anything else that I should know?

Dentures are made from a durable material, but they are susceptible to wear and tear. If they crack or gradually loosen, resist fixing the device yourself and come and pay us an urgent visit.

Improve your dentures with us to better your quality of life!