Eat what you like and still get straight teeth

Braces can be such a faff. There they are, stuck on the fronts of your teeth for months on end, collecting your breakfast, lunch and dinner between the brackets and wires and rubbing on the inside of your cheeks. Of course, it’s all worth it for the lovely straight smile you get at the end of treatment, but what if you didn’t have to go through all that fiddling about with floss and brushes, or give up eating some of your favourite foods while you were having treatment with braces in St John’s Wood?

Well, now you can. Here at Aura Dental, we offer all the usual bracket and wire braces, even some that can barely be seen once they are on the teeth, but we also offer a system that has been revolutionising treatment with braces in St John’s Wood. It’s called Invisalign.

Braces in St John’s WoodWhat is Invisalign all about?

You may well have heard of Invisalign. After all, it’s been on the market since just before 2000 and over 4 million people have now received Invisalign treatment. But you may not have seen it on anyone. That’s good. That’s how it’s meant to be. When people are wearing these very thin plastic mouth guard-style aligners, they are almost impossible to spot. They are moulded to the teeth using pinpoint accurate measurements from the Itero digital scanner. These measures are fed into a computer and used to plan treatment with a series of aligners that are manufactured using 3D printing.

Invisalign aligners have carefully placed pressure points inside them that nudge the teeth along to correct alignment. The average treatment time is a year. Another big plus with this system is that the aligners are removable for eating, drinking and tooth brushing, which means that you don’t have to change your diet while you go through treatment. You can even leave them out for special occasions of a few hours.

If Invisalign is not for you, at Aura Dental we have plenty of other braces in St John’s Wood, such as Six Month Smiles and Quick Straight Teeth. Why not come in for a consultation and find out how we can help you get the smile you’ve always wanted.