Eat what you like and get straighter teeth

One of the problems with wearing fixed braces is eating. Food gets stuck between the brackets and your teeth and it can sometimes take a while to remove it. Sometimes people have to avoid particular foods for the duration of their treatment, which, if it goes on for a year or more, can be a real hassle. Not only do you find yourself limited in your choices when going out to eat, but it can make you seem difficult when visiting friends for dinner.

This is one of the reasons why people choosing braces in St John’s Wood often go for Invisalign at Aura Dental. Invisalign is not like the traditional bracket and wire systems that we tend to associate with getting our teeth straightened. This process is done using a series of aligners, which are like very thin clear plastic gumshields. They slip over the teeth and hug them so snugly that they are more or less invisible to the untrained eye.

Braces in St John’s WoodWhat will it be like?

Invisalign aligners are designed to be removed when you eat. When you choose these braces in St John’s Wood, you have to take them out for every meal or snack, and indeed for every drink that is not plain water. This means that they cannot get in the way of your food, or increase your chances of decay by trapping food against your teeth.

You just take out the aligners, eat your food and then pop them back in again. You need to wear these aligners for at least 22 hours a day if you are to stay on schedule with your treatment with braces in St John’s Wood. The plus side of this that people have discovered is that it pretty much cuts out that kind of mindless snacking that it is so easy to indulge in at your workstation, as well as endless soft drinks or sugar-laden coffees. The result is a happy side effect of weight loss, even if you are able to eat whatever you like at official meal times.

If you think Invisalign would be the right option for braces in St John’s Wood for you, why not make an appointment for a free consultation at Aura Dental.