Dental implants: the perfect way to restore your smile and your ability to eat a healthy diet

Dental implants give people who have lost some natural teeth a second chance. These small titanium screws replace the roots of missing teeth. At North London dental practice Aura Dental, your dentist can then attach either a single crown or an implant-retained bridge on top.

dental-implants-londonReplacing missing teeth is vital, and not just for aesthetic reasons. Of course, if you have lost one or more of your natural teeth you may feel self-conscious about smiling, which can leave a serious dent in your self-esteem. However, missing teeth also cause health problems.

Any remaining teeth have a tendency to move into gaps, becoming crooked and harder to keep clean in the process. Additional strain is also put on these teeth when you bite and chew. If you have lost several of your teeth, your jaw bone may also start to shrink back, and you may struggle to eat anything but soft foods.

At our North London practice, our implant team has successfully restored both the smile and full jaw functionality to scores of patients using dental implants. If you have gaps in your mouth we invite you to join us for a consultation with an implant dentist.

Dental implants are placed in direct contact with your jaw bone by a skilled dentist here at our North London clinic. In most cases this requires only local anaesthesia, although if you are nervous or dental phobic we offer treatment under conscious sedation, as well as providing the services of a hypnotist.

Because they are in direct contact with the bone, and because they are made from titanium – which is very compatible with the body – dental implants help to prevent bone loss, as well as ensuring that your teeth remain stable and secure at all times.