Dental implants: modern dentistry to make you feel good

At Aura Dental in North West London, dental implants are offered as a long-lasting solution to the loss of teeth, whether through trauma, decay or gum disease. Missing teeth can make you feel self-conscious but can also make everyday tasks such as chewing and biting a chore. While dentures and bridges offer a temporary solution, modern dentistry has made dental implants a more permanent, stable and still natural looking alternative. Whether you’ve lost one, several or all of your teeth, dental implants in North West London provided by Aura Dental are here to help.

dental-implantsWhat exactly are dental implants?

Dental implants are artificial roots in the form of titanium screws. They integrate into existing bone to provide a solid base for crowns or replacement teeth to be added. Decades of progress in dentistry mean dental implants now look and feel like natural teeth, restoring your ability to smile, chew and bite with ease.

Why do I need them?

The long-term consequences of missing teeth include receding of the gums and degeneration of surrounding bone. This can cause neighbouring teeth to tip or fall out completely. In addition to the detrimental effects on your dental health, your outward appearance can also be affected, resulting in a sunken face. Dental implants in North West London provide a reliable solution to all of these issues.

Getting a dental implant: what does it involve?

Undergoing a dental procedure can be a daunting prospect. At Aura Dental in North West London we provide a relaxing and calm environment in which to discuss your concerns and always put your well being first. Dental implants are fitted under local anaesthetic in a sterile environment. However for particularly nervous patients we also offer hypnosis and sedation. After a period of healing, crowns and replacement teeth can be fitted onto the dental implant. Taking care of your dental implant with the same good oral hygiene you would give to your natural teeth, means they too can last a lifetime.

For more on dental implants in North West London, please call us today to answer your questions. We are also happy to arrange consultations with our highly trained staff.