Dental implants – how it works

Dental implants are an increasingly common solution for patients with one or more missing teeth. At Aura Dental in North London, our skilled implant dentists offer two options: an implant with a crown to replace one missing tooth, and an implant-retained bridge to replace two or more missing teeth.

dental implantsOur teeth are meant to last us a lifetime, but accidents, injuries, tooth decay and gum disease can all cause patients to lose their teeth. At our North London dental practice we believe dental implants are often the perfect replacement.

How implants work

Dental implants are small titanium screws that your dentist places directly into your jaw bone in a minor surgical procedure. There they integrate with the bone, acting as substitutes for natural tooth roots. After a period of healing, permanent new teeth in the form of crowns or bridges can be fitted securely on top.

What are the advantages of dental implants over other options?

Implants may seem more expensive than the other tooth replacement options at our North London dental practice, yet they remain very popular. Why is this?

At Aura Dental in North London we believe that dental implants are an investment in your future. They are the only permanent way to replace your missing teeth and, with proper care and regular visits to the dentist or hygienist, your implants and attached restorations will last you a lifetime.

Implants are also the only tooth replacement solution that help to stop the common problem of bone loss. Without tooth roots in place, your jaw bone starts to shrink back. Because dental implants replace the root portion of the tooth, and because titanium is highly compatible with the human body, they help to prevent this problem.

With implants, you will not have to worry about your new teeth becoming loose or sliding out. You will be able to enjoy a full, healthy diet, and can smile once more with pride.