Considering dental implants in St John’s Wood? Teeth in a Day might be for you!

Dental implants are a popular approach for restoring teeth and lost smiles, but regular implants are not suitable for everyone.

Wearing dentures for several years might have left you with a deficient jawbone, which means that unless you undergo bone graft surgeries to correct the issue, you will not be deemed healthy enough for single dental implants in St John’s Wood.

Dental Implants in St Johns WoodWe do not have to tell you that with dental implants and bone transplants, the costs add up and treatment time doubles. If you want to sport natural looking teeth, you could be waiting 18 months to achieve that million-dollar smile you have been yearning for.

Save yourself the time and money with our Teeth in a Day implants in St John’s Wood at Aura Dental, if you have suffered from extreme tooth loss.

How is Teeth in a Day different from standard dental implants in St John’s Wood?

Teeth in a Day goes by many names but was first patented as All-on-4 dental implants, referring to the number of implants needed to restore a set of teeth.

What does this mean? An entire set of teeth on your top and bottom jaw are restored to their former glory using just four implants. Because these implants can be embedded in any bone available, the need for bone grafts is unnecessary.

Not only are Teeth in a Day time efficient, but they are also cost effective. The cost of a single dental implant is already high, and having to replace multiple teeth will cost you a pretty penny. By only having four implants, you are saving a lot of money.

Do I have to wait a while before flaunting my new teeth?

Teeth in a Day, it is in the name. If you are looking to stabilise your dentures with implants, you can look forward to a perfectly fitted artificial device in a single visit, where you will be supplied with temporary crowns until the implants have successfully integrated with your mouth. In this way, you can enjoy life without being held back by a loose denture.

How does the process work?

Our expert implant dentist drills a titanium screw into your available jaw, on top of which your crown, bridge or denture will eventually sit.

The screw fuses with the bone during osseointegration, which is when the body recognises the titanium metal as part of its organism, and not a foreign object that needs to be rejected.

The process will take a couple of months to complete, during which time, a new prosthesis that fits your mouth perfectly is made.

 Who would be considered a suitable candidate?

People who have lost the majority of their teeth or if their teeth are rapidly deteriorating.

Getting these types of implants if you are only missing a few teeth is not recommended.

Will I face any restrictions with this new device?

If you take care of your new set of teeth, you can look forward to smiling broadly for the rest of your life.

No longer will you have to cover your mouth when you smile or laugh, no longer will you have to watch what you eat and no longer will you care whether your teeth look fake. Look forward to natural-looking teeth and a normal life where you can eat, talk and experience joy without feeling self-conscious.