Worried about wearing a metal brace as an adult? 5 benefits from Aura Dental

When you visit an orthodontist as an adult, it can feel like a bit of a let down to be told that, despite all the different aligners available, that you need a fitted orthodontic retainer.


Known to many as ‘metal’ or ‘full’ appliances, these are often associated with younger children and teenagers, thus making many adults who wear them feel a bit, well, odd.

But it is a fact that sometimes as we age, our teeth move and with other things such as extractions and trauma, this can cause our smiles to fall out of perfect alignment. Or, perhaps you weren’t given access to orthodontics as a child and are looking to set it right as an adult (which we applaud!).

At Aura Dental, we have helped thousands of adults who have worn traditional braces in St John’s Wood to get the smiles that they deserve. We provide everything from the initial consultation up to the customised retainers, to ensure that your teeth move exactly the way you want them to, and give you the confidence boost that comes with straighter teeth. Perfect!

So, what are the other advantages of wearing traditional braces in St John’s Wood?

They work!

OK, this may sound a bit obvious but in every case where fitted braces in St Johns Wood have been applied, the teeth will move as our team or any other dental professional wants them to.

And while this may take a bit longer in an adult due to the teeth being more set in position, we can assure you that when your teeth move, your smile will be transformed for the better.


In your search for adult orthodontics, you may have read about the different types of aligners that are available and while it sounds ideal to have removable appliances, it can make treatments complicated.

An invisible aligner has to be worn for so many hours a day, it has to be worn in succession and the wearer has to invest in a toothbrush to carry with them to clean their teeth after they eat.

With regular appliances, none of this is needed, allowing you to simply have them in your mouth and for our team to make the adjustments as required.

Oral health

Once again, you may have concerns that your teeth will become rotten if you wear a fitted appliance.

But, with the regularity of check-ups and visits to the hygienist to keep them clean, the majority of adults who wear fitted orthodontics improves. So once they are off, your smile will glisten!


Wearing an appliance to straighten your teeth at any age can have a dramatic impact on your health; with gaps being closed and your teeth becoming straighter, this can prevent decay and allow for correct brushing.


OK, so you may not feel over the moon when they are first fitted, but as your teeth move, you will feel your confidence grow and once they are off, well, your smile will be stunning!