Why it’s important to build a good relationship with your dentist from an early age

At Aura Dental we understand that many people are nervous about visiting the dentist. At our North London practice we believe in holistic dentistry for the whole family, treating the patient rather than just treating their teeth. That’s why we recommend bringing children in to the surgery from a young age.

cosmetic dentistryGoing to the dentist doesn’t have to be scary. We treat many nervous patients whose fear has been caused by a bad experience in childhood. At our North London dental practice we treat all patients with respect and compassion, and provide gentle, caring treatment for nervous patients of all ages.

Our dentists believe that by bringing children to the practice from a young age, perhaps at the same time as parents or older siblings, they soon learn it is nothing to be afraid of. The dentist becomes a friendly face they look forward to seeing for a check-up, and they get used to sitting in the chair and opening their mouth to let the clinician look inside.

Early visits to the practice – from when the first teeth start to appear – also reduces the risk of your child needing more extensive, invasive treatment later on. We believe in preventative dentistry, stopping problems before they start. Children in the UK still have very high levels of tooth decay and although this has started to improve, there is still much progress to be made.

Aura Dental in North London offers children’s consultation for just £35. Our practice is relaxed and welcoming and has been designed to be a place of calm tranquillity.

Our dentists use the latest technology and advanced techniques and materials to deliver the highest standards of care to all patients, at every visit.