Why dental implants are the best way to replace missing teeth

More and more people who have missing teeth are choosing dental implants to replace them. At Aura Dental in North London our skilled and experienced dentists have helped many patients to get their smiles back with the aid of implants.

dental implantsDental implants can be used to replace one, several or even all your missing teeth. They are small titanium screws that are placed directly in the jaw bone, where they integrate with the bone and provide a firm anchor for replacement teeth – a crown, bridges or dentures.

Why have dental implants?

Dental implants are the only permanent way to replace your missing teeth. Unlike unsecured dentures, your restorations will never become loose and uncomfortable, meaning that you can both smile with confidence and enjoy a healthy, varied diet. There’s also no danger of your teeth falling out at inappropriate moments.

Dentists always recommend missing teeth. As well as problems with eating and with your confidence in your smile, gaps in your mouth can lead any remaining teeth to move, becoming crooked and harder to clean – thus increasing your chance of further dental health problems.

At Aura Dental in North London, our implant dentists offer two dental implant treatment options: 1) Single implant, (£2300.00+) and 2) Implant-retained bridges (£2750.00+). The first option is ideal for one missing tooth, while implant-retained bridges are ideal for patients with more than one missing tooth.

All our implant work is carried out by our skilled dentists here in the comfort of our North London practice. The implants are placed in a minor surgical procedure, which is usually carried out under a local anaesthetic.

We will leave your implants to heal for a period of a few months, during which you may have temporary restorations fitted, before your permanent new teeth are attached. This is to allow the implants to integrate with the bone.