Using dental implants to replace one or more missing teeth

You may have heard of dental implants if you have lost one or more of your natural teeth. Here at North London’s Aura Dental our skilled team of implant dentists can replace one, several or all of your teeth with the help of implants.

How treatment works

dental implantsDental implants are little titanium screws that are placed directly in your jaw bone by your dentist here at our North London clinic. This requires a small surgical procedure, which in most cases can be carried out under local anaesthetic, and is, according to many patients, more bearable than having a tooth extracted.

The dental implants will mesh with your jaw bone over a period of a few months, because titanium is very compatible with human bodies and is osteoconductive – supportive of bone growth. Bone loss is a common complaint in patients who have lost all or most of their natural teeth, and happens when the tooth roots are lost. Because implants replace the root part of a missing tooth, they help to stop this from happening.

Tooth replacement options

At Aura Dental in North London, we offer two options for implant patients. If you have lost one tooth, the most common solution is to replace that tooth with a single dental implant and a crown, which will be made to look very much like the rest of your natural teeth.

For patients who have lost more than one tooth, the most common treatment is to attach an implant-retained bridge. This can replace several or all teeth in one jaw.

Advantages of implants

Dental implants and the new teeth attached to them create a realistic and beautiful smile. Implants also help to give you back full functionality to your mouth, which means you can eat a healthy diet and smile and laugh with confidence.