Using dental implants to rebuild your smile

Dental implants are a modern, permanent way for people who have lost teeth to replace them. At Aura Dental in North London we have successfully used implant treatment to help many of our patients to rebuild their smile.

How implant treatment works

dental implantsYou can think of dental implants as bionic tooth roots. They are small titanium screws that a dentist places straight into your jaw bone in a small operation, carried out under local anaesthetic here at our North London dental clinic.

After your dental implants have been placed, they are left to heal for a couple of months. During this time they form a strong bond with your jaw bone, creating an excellent foundation on to which your dentist will then attach permanent new teeth.

Aura Dental in North London offers two options for patients interested in implant treatment; one implant and a single crown can replace one missing tooth, whilst one or more implants supporting a dental bridge can replace more than one missing tooth.

The advantages of dental implants

Dental implants have numerous advantages over other tooth replacement products, not least their permanence. Because titanium supports bone growth, implants also help to prevent bone loss, which is a common side effect of losing teeth, and can cause a sagging appearance in the facial skin.

Bone loss is also often the reason that traditional dentures become loose with the passing of time, meaning you may find yourself struggling with messy pastes and needing to get your dentures adjusted regularly. Poorly-fitting dentures affect your ability to eat a healthy diet, can impact on your speech, and of course can have a devastating effect on your self-confidence as you worry they might fall out in public. Dental implants will hold your new teeth firmly in position, enabling you to eat, speak, and smile with renewed confidence.