Treat yourself to cosmetic dentistry to boost your confidence

Cosmetic dentistry is the specialist area that deals with the aesthetic appearance of your teeth. At Aura Dental in North London, our skilled cosmetic dentists offer a wide range of aesthetic treatments that can boost the appearance of your smile – and your confidence, too.

cosmetic dentistryMany treatments fall under the umbrella of cosmetic dentistry. Treatments range from quick sessions of teeth whitening to full smile makeovers, involving discreet orthodontics, full-mouth restorations with dental implants, and porcelain veneers to correct a multitude of aesthetic issues.

If you are interested in cosmetic dentistry, you should book a consultation with a cosmetic dentist here at our North London dental practice. They will listen to your concerns about your smile and will carefully examine your teeth and gums before recommending the best course of treatment. In some cases you will require just one treatment, while in others a combination of two or more treatments will be best.

Among the treatments on the cosmetic dentistry menu at Aura Dental in North London are:

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is the most popular treatment in cosmetic dentistry. It involves using special dental bleaching products to remove the stains that build up on our teeth from drinks such as tea and coffee, habits such as smoking, and certain medications.

Discreet orthodontics

Discreet orthodontics uses braces or aligners to move your teeth into a better position. The aligners are clear and removable, so you can take them out to eat and drink and to clean. Discreet braces comprise clear or tooth-coloured wires and brackets, meaning few people will notice you are having treatment.

Porcelain veneers

Veneers are thin shells of porcelain placed over the front surfaces of the front teeth to improve their appearance. They are an excellent treatment for permanently discoloured, slightly crooked or gappy teeth when orthodontic treatment is not appropriate.