Teeth In A Day with dental implants in St John’s Wood

Are your teeth failing due to cavities or gum disease? If so, would you believe that you can get permanent dental implants in only one day? Using a treatment known as Teeth In A Day, a dentist will in most cases be able to place all your dental implants and have you wearing a new set of replacement teeth on the same day. The procedure is also known as All-on-4 because in many cases only four implants are needed to support an entire arch of new teeth.

How is this possible, you may ask. Our dental team at Aura Dental have been performing this treatment for quite a few years. This immediate implant solution is an innovative treatment that allows the same day replacement of decayed or missing teeth with dental implants in St John’s Wood. This treatment requires the placement of fewer dental implants and does not involve bone grafting. As a result, recovery time is significantly reduced and your quality of life is drastically improved.

Dental Implants in St John’s WoodHow does it work?

In the past, patients with advanced bone loss in the jawbone could not have dental implants, since regular dental implants require a certain amount of healthy bone in order to be stabilised. The innovative Teeth In A Day procedure involves placing four specially-designed dental implants in strategic positions where the bone is of high volume and density – even in patients who have lost most of their jawbone.

These implants are placed at an angle to take advantage of the dense bone present in the front of the jawbone, which is able to provide the strong support and retention needed. This method works for almost every patient and eliminates the need for bone grafting in most cases. Our dentists will attach a pre-made temporary bridge onto the dental implants, and once they have healed, we will replace it with a permanent, metal-reinforced, fixed bridge.

Teeth In A Day has made getting implant-supported teeth faster and affordable than ever. Plus, they are made to last a lifetime.

Contact us

To learn more about dental implants in St John’s Wood and find out if you are a good candidate for Teeth In A Day, contact us for more information.