Replacing missing or broken teeth at a dentist in St. John’s Wood

If you have broken or missing teeth it can chip away at your confidence over time, particularly if there is a gap in your smile. There are also some physical implications from having missing teeth, eating and chewing may well become difficult but did you know that a missing tooth will directly lead to bone loss in the jaw? At Aura Dental we understand all the implications of having broken or missing teeth and our dentist in St.John’s Wood would like to restore them to their former glory so that you can get your oral health and self-esteem back on top form.


Chipped teeth

Composite bonding – a chipped tooth can easily be fixed in a single and affordable appointment with a composite bonding treatment. The dentist in St. John’s Wood will carefully select a bonding material that exactly matched your other teeth and then place it over the chipped area of the tooth then shape and sculpt it until it resembles a restored tooth. Once you are happy with the final result, we will then use a special light to harden the material and your tooth will be fully restored.

Veneers – for a bigger chip or a tooth that has broken off but still remains structurally sound at the root, we can use a porcelain veneer to cover up the whole tooth. This veneer will be created in house to look exactly like your other teeth in size, shape, colour and transparency and will be permanently bonded to the broken tooth which may be filed down to size.

Broken or cracked teeth

Crowns – A tooth that has been broken or cracked down the middle but is still strongly connected to the root which is still firmly in place, may be held together with a special porcelain crown. A crown is sort of like a cap that is placed over the tooth and this is commonly used for molars which have been cracked. Once a dentist has ensured that no infection has got into the crack, they will seal it up and place a tooth coloured porcelain crown over top to hold it all in place.

Missing teeth

Bridges – if a tooth has completely come out due to injury or decay and can not be replaced, a dentist in St. John’s Wood may be able to close the gap with a tooth bridge, this is a set of false teeth which are custom created to fit in your gap. On each side of these teeth are crowns which are secured onto the teeth that exist on each side of the gap, these teeth will need to be filed down slightly in order to snugly fit into the crowns but once the bridge is fixed in place the dental arch will be restored once more.

Dental Implants – this requires some major surgery but is the best option for a single or multiple missing teeth as the titanium used in the implant will continue to support the bone structure for the rest of your life. A false tooth or bridge of false teeth will be fixed to an abutment which is set into the implant thus restoring your smile.