Let’s get something straight…

Teeth that is! Do you have crooked teeth? Have you always dreamed of having that perfect smile? Well now you can with North West London braces. Aura Dental offer a number of different highly successful, discreet braces to help you achieve the straight teeth you’ve always wanted. Stereotypically braces are associated with teenagers trying to correct their teeth while they’re still growing. you may have had a number of friends who wore a metal brace for years when you were younger, however braces are now becoming more popular with adults as they’re realising that it’s never too late to correct their crooked teeth. Braces in North West London are specifically designed to be low key and to ensure that adults don’t feel self-conscious during their treatment, they’re either clear or tooth coloured so they blend in, and there are a number of different treatments to choose from.

straighten-teethWhich braces in North West London are best for you?

Well it depends on your tooth situation and what you consider to be most important when wearing a brace. For people who would really like the ability to remove their brace when eating and brushing their teeth, Invisalign or Inman Aligner treatment could be a good option. Both braces are removable, however they do still need to be worn for most of the day and night, and with Invisalign, the aligner needs to be changed every fortnight. North West London braces also have some great options for people who consider time to be of the essence; Six Month Smiles and CFast Braces have an average treatment time of just six months! Perfect for people wanting results fast, or those who have a special occasion coming up and would like that special smile to go with it. All of the braces offered by the practice are designed to be low key. The chances of others noticing you’re wearing braces unless they’re inspecting your teeth up close (or you tell them!) is low. Many adults are of the assumption that if they never wore braces when they were younger, they’ll probably have crooked teeth for their whole lifespan. This doesn’t have to be true with braces in North West London. Arrange a consultation for more details and to see what Aura Dental can do for you.