Join the 4 million

There are some times when it’s not so cool to join in with millions of other people. Bands, for example, are always better just before they become massively popular, and the same goes for fashion. But with teeth, you don’t want to muck about trying out things before everyone agrees they are the best way to do something. So, the fact that you are thinking of a joining a bandwagon that has 4 million people on it, and are considering getting Invisalign in St John’s Wood from us at Aura Dental can only be a good thing.

Invisalign in St John’s WoodStealth straightening

In fact, you can still be quite stealth about what you are up to. It’s not like sleeves with no shoulders, so last season darling, with Invisalign in St John’s Wood, no one needs to know that you are part of a huge wave of teeth straightening smilers. If you choose to tell your friends and colleagues, that’s up to you, but please don’t go worrying that they will notice your Invisalign clear aligners over your teeth. Invisalign in St John’s Wood is made with transparent plastic that is only 0.3mm thick. The aligners are like wrapping your teeth in cling film, they will disappear from view when you’ve got them on, and, as they won’t interfere with your speech, there are no giveaway signs that you are up to something. People may not even notice your teeth become gradually straighter and straighter, even though to you it is blindingly obvious. It’s amazing what people don’t notice. They may think, ‘hey didn’t you used to have wonky teeth’, but then they will think they must have imagined it as you clearly don’t now and no one has seen any sign of braces.

Stealth at meals too

You may worry that you will give yourself away when you try to eat with your aligners in, but the beauty of Invisalign in St John’s Wood is that they come out when you eat or drink, and also to clean your teeth. All you have to do is clean your teeth before you put your aligners back in so they don’t get discoloured by any remaining traces of food or drinks and become visible.