How your dentist can straighten your teeth without the world knowing

Your dentist has many options when it comes to straightening teeth. Here at Aura Dental in North London, we embrace discreet and invisible orthodontics, which are special products designed to straighten your teeth without the whole world knowing about it.

dentist can straighten teethMany adult patients complain to their dentist that while they want straighter teeth, they don’t want to wear obvious train-track-style metal braces for a considerable period of time. At Aura Dental in North London, we are aware that while these braces are effective they are not always compatible with a busy adult lifestyle. That’s why we are proud to offer a number of other solutions.

While straightening your teeth as an adult may be primarily a cosmetic dental concern, it’s also worth remembering that straighter teeth are healthier teeth. Crooked, crowded or gappy teeth are more difficult to clean, meaning that foot particles can get trapped in between them, enabling plaque bacteria to develop. Plaque bacteria causes both tooth decay and gum disease.

If you are interested in orthodontic treatment as an adult, you should book an orthodontics consultation with a cosmetic dentist at our North London clinic. They will carefully examine your teeth and will outline the pros and cons of all available treatments.

What your dentist may recommend

Depending on your personal needs, your dentist may recommend one of the following:

Inman Aligner

The Inman Aligner is a clear, removable appliance that quickly aligns the front teeth, taking between six and 18 weeks on average.

Clear aligners

We offer treatment with Invisalign and Smilelign clear aligners. Your dentist will prescribe a series of aligners that you change every two weeks or so as your teeth move. They are also removable.

Six Month Smiles

Six Month Smiles are discreet braces that focus on the front six teeth, quickly improving their alignment.