How invisible braces and aligners can straighten your teeth secretly

Braces are the best-known and most reliable way to straighten your teeth. At Aura Dental in North London, we know that many people who want straighter teeth don’t want to wear obvious metal devices, which traditionally also have long treatment times.

invisible-bracesFortunately, there are a number of discreet options available at our North London dental practice. These include both near-invisible braces and clear aligners, which will not be spotted by the untrained eye.

If you are interested in straightening your teeth discreetly, the first thing to do is to book an appointment with a dentist here at Aura Dental North London. Your clinician will carefully examine your mouth and will then recommend all the appropriate treatment options. They will discuss the pros and cons of each option and you will be able to raise any questions you may have.

Treatment options here at Aura Dental North London include:

Inman Aligner

This is a single clear aligner that is known for its very fast treatment times – typically between six and 18 weeks. It can correct a wide range of orthodontic issues and benefits from being both clear and removable. The Inman Aligner is not suitable in every case – your dentist will advise if this will work for you at your initial consultation.

Cfast Braces

Cfast braces are designed to work on the front six teeth – those that show when you smile. These gentle, minimally-invasive cosmetic braces can level out and round the arches quickly and comfortably. The brackets are clear and the nickel-titanium wires are clear, meaning few people will notice you are having treatment.

Six Month Smiles

Six Month Smiles are also fast, discreet braces. They apply traditional orthodontic technology to the “social six” teeth – which show when you smile – and use clear brackets and tooth-coloured wires for maximum discretion.