How dental implants are giving patients their smiles back

The increasing popularity of dental implants is no fluke. Implants are the only permanent way for your dentist to replace your missing teeth. At Aura Dental in North London, we offer two implant options for patients who have lost teeth: a single implant with a crown to replace one missing tooth, or implant-retained bridges for more than one missing teeth.

What are dental implants?

auradental_dental-implantsDental implants are small screws made of titanium. Your dentist places them in your jaw bone in a minor operation, which is carried out under local anaesthetic here at our North London dental practice.

Titanium is very compatible with the human body, meaning the implants will fuse with the bone and promote bone growth. This prevents the problem of bone resorbtion that happens when teeth are lost.

After a healing period, which is typically a couple of months, your dental implants will have fused with the bone enough to form a very strong anchor on to which your new teeth will be attached – either a crown or an implant-retained bridge.

At Aura Dental in North London, we have helped scores of patients to smile again with the help of implants. There are other advantages to implants besides the obvious cosmetic ones, however. These include:

  • The ability to bite and chew food without worrying about loose, uncomfortable dentures. You can eat what you like and enjoy a healthy, balanced diet.
  • There is no danger of restorations attached to dental implants falling out at an unfortunate moment. Your implants will hold them firmly in place.
  • Because they help to prevent bone loss, dental implants also help to stop the prematurely-aged appearance that some denture wearers suffer, due to sagging skin around the jowls.
  • Dental implants and the attached restorations look and act like natural teeth. With proper care and regular dentist appointments, your implants can last you for life.