Dental implants: common questions and answers

If you have lost one or more teeth, dental implants may already be on your radar. They are a popular and permanent tooth replacement option and at North West London clinic Aura Dental, we can use them to replace one, some, or all of your natural teeth.

Dental implants might initially seem more expensive than other tooth replacements – think traditional dentures or bridges. However, at our North West London dental practice we believe that by choosing implants you are choosing to invest in you smile, and indeed in your future health and well-being.

dental-implants-north-londonWe understand that choosing treatment with dental implants is a big decision, and you are likely to have many questions. Below are some common questions and answers on the subject of implants; if you still have any queries or concerns, get in touch with our North West London dental practice and we will be happy to help you.

How do dental implants work?

Dental implants replace the roots of any teeth you have lost. Small titanium screws that your dentist places in direct contact with your jaw bone in a small surgical procedure, they will anchor your new teeth firmly in place. At Aura Dental in North West London, we offer either a single implant with a crown attached, or multiple implants with a bridge attached.

Surgery? Does it hurt? And do I need to take time off work?

Implant placement won’t hurt at all – we offer local anaesthetic or sedation at our North West London clinic. Any post-operative discomfort or swelling is usually managed by over-the-counter painkillers. Many people return to work the very next day.

How long will my dental implants last?

Implants are designed as a permanent solution to tooth loss. With good aftercare and regular visits to the dentist and hygienist, your implants and the teeth attached should last for many years to come.

Can I have new teeth right away?

Dental implants need time to mesh with your jaw bone – a process called osseointegration. This takes a few months and will ensure your teeth have firm support. Temporary teeth are sometimes fitted during the healing period.