Dental implants: answers to common questions

Dental implants are an excellent way for a dentist to replace your missing teeth. At Aura Dental in North London we can replace one, some, or even all of your natural teeth with the help of implants. If you have missing or failing teeth, get in touch to discover how we can help you.

dental-implantsAn investment in dental implants is more than just an investment in your smile. They have numerous benefits when compared with traditional tooth replacement options such as standard dentures, and can have a positive impact on your general as well as your oral health. However, we understand that electing to have oral surgery may be a daunting decision, which is why we’ve collected together some common questions and answers about implant treatment here.

If you are unable to find a suitable answer to your question here, get in touch with a member of staff at our North Londondental practice. They will be more than happy to help you.

How do dental implants work?

Dental implants are bionic tooth roots, made from titanium and placed directly in your jaw bone in a small operation, carried out here under local anaesthetic or sedation here at our North London clinic. They form a strong bond with the bone and support one or more false teeth.

Will I get new teeth straight away?

Sometimes permanent new teeth can be fitted straight away, while in other cases a healing period is required. In the latter case your dentist may fit temporary teeth in the interim.

What are my options for dental implants in North London?

At Aura Dental we offer two treatment options for implant patients: for one missing tooth, your dentist will place a single implant and will attach a crown. For multiple or all missing teeth, we’ll use several dental implants and an implant-retained bridge.