Creating a beautiful smile at a dentist in St. John’s Wood

Creating a beautiful smile has many benefits, it can boost your own self-esteem and improve the opinions people may have of you as well as create a great lasting first impression which can be beneficial in your professional life as well as your social or romantic life. But these day to day occurrences aren’t the only things a dentist in St. John’s Wood can help you with, we can also create a beautiful smile in time for a big event like a wedding or speaking function where photos and videos may be taken of you that will last a lifetime. Whatever your reason for wanting to improve your smile, at Aura Dental we have the right treatment to suit your needs and a frank discussion with one of our dentists will set you on your journey to achieving these aesthetic goals.



From hiding crooked teeth to whitening them, there is a great deal in between that can help you improve the look of your smile:

Composite bonding – if you have a chipped tooth that is ruining an otherwise beautiful smile, a simple composite bonding treatment can see that smile restored in as little as one visit to the dentist in St. John’s Wood. We will apply a tooth coloured bonding material to the chipped tooth then mould and sculpt it into the right shape before hardening it with a special light. The colour of the material will be chosen to exactly match the colour of your other teeth so you can rest assured that the restoration will look beautiful and natural.

Crowns and bridges – in the event that you have a tooth that is broken and cracked, a crown can be placed over it along with the bonding material in order to restore it, this crown is made of porcelain and will exactly match your other teeth for a natural-looking restoration. A bridge of porcelain teeth can be used to close a gap whether there is one or a few missing teeth in a row, this can help restore the lost teeth as well as any confidence that went with them.

Gum reshaping – lasers are a beautiful thing and for those of you who have large gums that are covering much of your teeth’s surface area making your teeth look small, we can reshape your gums with a special laser in order to reveal more of the teeth for a natural and beautiful smile.

Veneers – Porcelain veneers at a dentist in St. John’s Wood can hide a multitude of sins, from staining to chips and even misalignment we can use a set of veneers to create that gorgeous Hollywood smile in as little as 2 appointments. A veneer is a thin tooth-shaped piece of porcelain that is set onto a prepared tooth, you can have a single veneer only to hide a stained or chipped tooth or a whole set of them to create a whole new smile no matter what your original teeth look like.

Whitening – no smile makeover is complete without a whitening treatment, in fact, there may be some of you with a lovely set of teeth who only need them to be whitened once in a while, this is a service we gladly offer all of our patients.