Category: Invisalign

Invisalign, the microbiome and enhanced dental health

The fascinating world of oral health goes beyond the visible part of our smile. As a dental practice, we hold a profound respect for the invisible but pivotal players in dental health – the oral microbiome. These tiny organisms residing in our mouths greatly influence the health of our teeth and gums. Another revolutionary player that has reshaped the dental world in recent years is Invisalign St John’s Wood – a clear aligner that offers a convenient and aesthetically pleasing alternative to traditional braces. In this article, we will unravel the intricate relationship between clear aligners, the oral microbiome, and dental health.


Understanding the oral microbiome

Our mouths are home to billions of bacteria, viruses, and fungi, collectively referred to as the oral microbiome. These microscopic organisms, when in balance, contribute to our overall health by aiding in digestion, boosting our immune system, and even protecting against harmful pathogens. However, any disruption in this delicate balance can lead to dental issues such as tooth decay and gum disease. As dental professionals, we emphasise the importance of maintaining this balance through proper oral hygiene and a healthy diet.

Invisalign’s role in maintaining the oral microbiome

Now, you may wonder, how does Invisalign St John’s Wood tie into all of this? The beauty of clear aligners lies in the design that facilitates the maintenance of a healthy oral microbiome. Unlike traditional braces, which can trap food particles and make thorough cleaning challenging, clear aligners are removable. This allows for better oral hygiene, thus preventing an imbalance in the oral microbiome that could otherwise lead to dental problems.

Moreover, these aligners are made of a clear, smooth plastic that is less likely to irritate the gums and mouth. This decreases the risk of inflammation, which can upset the oral microbiome. By offering a comfortable and hygienic solution, these aligners support a healthier oral environment conducive to a balanced microbiome.

Enhancing dental health through the microbiome

The integration of clear aligners into our practice has revolutionised the way we address dental alignment issues. We now have a tool that not only straightens teeth but also promotes a healthier oral microbiome, ultimately enhancing overall dental health. We encourage our patients to see them as more than just a path to a straighter smile – it is an investment in their oral health, as it aids in maintaining a healthy microbiome.

Clear aligners also provide the opportunity for regular professional dental check-ups, allowing us to monitor your oral microbiome and detect any potential issues early. With Invisalign St John’s Wood, you receive comprehensive dental care that addresses the aesthetics and health of your teeth while taking into consideration the pivotal role of the oral microbiome.

Conclusion: a healthy smile and a balanced microbiome

As a dental practice, at Aura Dental, we strive to provide care that combines innovation with a holistic understanding of oral health. Clear aligners and the oral microbiome represent two significant aspects of this approach. We hope that through this understanding, our patients will appreciate the importance of maintaining a balanced microbiome for better dental health and the role these can play in achieving this.

Embracing the cutting-edge technology of clear aligners and recognising the impact of the oral microbiome, we’re committed to helping our patients achieve not just beautiful smiles, but also healthier ones. With the right care, you can enjoy the benefits of a straighter smile, a balanced oral microbiome, and improved dental health. Together, we can embark on this journey towards a brighter and healthier smile.

Debunking dental myths: Invisalign facts for the enlightened patient

In the world of dental health and aesthetics, myths and misconceptions are rampant. As a leading dental practice, we’re committed to providing you with the most accurate and reliable information. This dedication prompts us to address one of the most discussed topics in orthodontics: Invisalign St John’s Wood.


Clear aligners have significantly revolutionised the orthodontics world. They are a clear, comfortable, and convenient alternative to traditional braces that’s taking the industry by storm. However, they are also shrouded in some confusion, leading to various myths and misconceptions that can be misleading for potential patients.

Clear aligners are for all ages

One of the prevalent myths surrounding clear aligners is that they are only for teenagers or young adults. The truth, however, is quite the opposite. At our practice, we’ve witnessed first-hand the power of clear aligners in transforming the smiles of people across all age groups. Age isn’t a barrier when it comes to seeking the smile of your dreams.

Clear aligners are tailor-made for each patient, irrespective of age. Whether you’re a busy professional seeking a discreet solution for your smile or an active senior looking for comfort and convenience, clear aligners could be the perfect fit.

Clear aligners can correct various dental issues

Another myth that we often hear is that clear aligners are only suitable for minor cosmetic fixes. Contrary to this myth, clear aligners have proven highly effective in correcting a wide array of dental issues. These range from simple cases, like slightly crooked teeth or minor spacing issues, to more complex problems such as overbite, underbite, crossbite, and severe crowding.

The key lies in the technology behind clear aligners. The system uses 3D imaging and planning software to create a unique treatment plan for each patient. This high level of customisation ensures that clear aligners can cater to a wide spectrum of dental needs.

The treatment time for clear aligners varies per individual

We often encounter the belief that all clear aligners treatments take the same amount of time. This is far from accurate. The truth is, the duration of treatment with clear aligners depends on several factors, including the complexity of the case, the patient’s compliance with wearing the aligners, and the individual’s biological response to treatment.

While some people may see results in as few as six months, others might need a longer treatment duration. It’s important to remember that each patient is unique, and so is each treatment journey.

Clear aligners are barely noticeable

Many patients are concerned about the visibility of their orthodontic appliances. One of the unique selling points of Invisalign St John’s Wood is their discreet nature. clear aligners are made from clear, smooth plastic that’s virtually invisible.

This means you can continue with your daily routines and social interactions without feeling self-conscious about your smile. At our practice, we’ve seen patients exuding confidence during their clear aligner treatment, all thanks to the system’s barely-there appearance.

We hope that by debunking these common clear aligners myths, we’ve helped to clear up any confusion you might have had. Our dental practice, Aura Dental, is dedicated to ensuring you have all the information needed to make an informed decision about your dental health and aesthetic goals. If you have any more questions or wish to discuss the potential of Invisalign St John’s Wood for your smile, we’re just a phone call away.

FAQs about Invisalign answered by our team

If you are an adult who feels that you have missed the window to straighten your teeth, don’t panic!


In 2023, more adults than ever before are opting to have their teeth straightened and are looking through the many braces and aligners that can be used to help them.

Invisible aligners are a popular orthodontic treatment option for people who want to straighten their smiles without the inconvenience and appearance of traditional metal braces. As a result, many people have questions about invisible aligners before they commit to the treatment.

Our team at Aura Dental can help with all areas of Invisalign St. John’s Wood as, frankly, we have extensive experience working in this area. Our team will be able to assess not only if you are suitable, but will also be able to help with financing your treatment and ensuring that it goes to plan.

So, here we answer 5 commonly searched FAQs about Invisalign St. John’s Wood for you, so you can see if this treatment is right for you.

How do invisible aligners work?

Invisible aligners like Invisalign St. John’s Wood work by gradually shifting the teeth into their correct position. Invisible aligners are made for each patient using 3D scans of their teeth. Patients wear a series of aligners over a period of several months, with each aligner gently moving the teeth a little closer to their final position. The aligners are made from clear and flexible plastic and are virtually invisible, making them a popular choice for people who want a discreet treatment option.

Are invisible aligners uncomfortable?

Most people experience some discomfort or soreness when they first start wearing their aligners or switch to a new set. This is because the teeth are being moved into a new position. However, this soreness is usually mild and can be managed with over-the-counter pain relief like paracetamol and ibuprofen. Some people also experience a lisp or speech impediment when they first start wearing their aligners, but this typically ceases after a few days.

How long do I need to wear invisible aligners?

The length of time a person needs to wear invisible aligners depends on the severity of their misalignment and their treatment goals. In general, most people wear their aligners for 12-18 months, although some treatments may take longer. It’s important to wear the aligners for at least 22 hours a day to get the best results. If you are struggling with this, please call our team.

Can you eat and drink with invisible aligners in?

You should avoid eating and drinking anything other than water while wearing your invisible aligners. This is because the aligners can become stained or damaged, and food particles can get trapped between the aligners and your teeth, increasing the risk of tooth decay. You should remove your aligners before eating or drinking and clean your teeth before putting them back in.

How do you clean invisible aligners?

To clean your invisible aligners, you should brush them gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a mild soap or detergent. Avoid using toothpaste, as this can scratch the aligners and make them more visible. You should also rinse your aligners with warm water before and after wearing them. It’s important to keep your aligners clean to prevent any building up of bacteria and plaque, which can cause bad breath and other dental problems.

A quick guide on what patients need to know about Invisalign

When you are an adult looking for an option to get your teeth straightened, never has there been a better time than in 2023.


There are now invisible braces which use clear brackets, lingual braces and of course, invisible aligners.

Invisible aligners are a different orthodontic option for those seeking to straighten their teeth, as they rely on pushing the teeth rather than pulling them.

While they offer several advantages there are some key things to keep in mind before starting treatment, which sadly, if they are not known, can cause patients to stop treatment prematurely.

At Aura Dental, our team knows all there is to know about Invisalign St. John’s Wood and will assess whether or not you are a suitable candidate for it. If you are, we will make sure that your treatment goes as planned.

So, here are 5 things to know about Invisalign St. John’s Wood before commencing treatment.

Invisible aligners require discipline and commitment

Unlike traditional braces that are attached to your teeth, invisible aligners are completely removable. This means that you will be responsible for wearing them for the recommended amount of time each day (typically 20 to 22 hours). For successful treatment, it’s important to commit to wearing Invisalign St Johns Wood as instructed and to keep up with the maintenance required to keep them clean and effective. If you don’t, your teeth may revert to their previous positions, or the movement of your teeth may slow.

Treatment time varies

The length of treatment with invisible aligners varies depending on the severity of your orthodontic issues. In general, treatment can take anywhere from around 3 months to about 12, averaging at around 6 months. However, it’s important to be patient and follow your treatment plan closely to achieve the best results.

Aligners may cause discomfort

While invisible aligners are generally more comfortable than traditional braces, they may still cause some soreness. This is especially true during the first few days of wearing a new pair of aligners. Over-the-counter pain relievers like paracetamol and warm salt water rinses can help ease any discomfort.

If, however, the discomfort is unrelenting, then it would be best to see our team so we can assess the underlying cause. In most cases, it is due to the aligners not being correctly fitted.

Oral hygiene is crucial

Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial when using invisible aligners. Because the aligners are worn for much of the day, food particles and bacteria can easily become stuck in the space between the aligner and your teeth, leading to cavities and gum disease. To prevent this, it’s important to brush and floss regularly and to clean your aligners as directed by your orthodontist.

Not everyone is a candidate

While invisible aligners are a great option for many people, they may not be suitable for everyone. People with severe dental issues may require traditional braces or other more intensive treatments. Additionally, those with certain medical conditions or dental anomalies may not be good candidates for invisible aligners. It’s important to consult with your orthodontist to determine if invisible aligners are right for you.

Is Invisalign right for you? An overview from Aura Dental

When it comes to straightening your teeth as an adult, there are many avenues available for the majority of dental patients.


If you’re considering orthodontic treatment in the coming year, you may have heard about invisible aligners.

Invisible aligners are a popular method for straightening your teeth that uses clear, removable trays to straighten your teeth. They’re popular because they’re discreet, comfortable, and convenient.

And when it comes to invisible aligners, our team at Aura Dental is exceedingly proud to offer them to our suitable teenage and adult patients. Invisalign St John’s Wood is one of the more popular options that we will always be happy to discuss with you.

But is Invisalign St John’s Wood the right choice for you? Below are some things you and our team will need to talk about when exploring whether or not invisible aligners are a good option for your orthodontic needs.

Your misalignment

The first thing to consider is your orthodontic needs. Invisible aligners like Invisalign St John’s Wood are an effective treatment for mild to moderate orthodontic issues, such as crowded or crooked teeth, gaps between teeth, and minor bite problems. However, they may not be suitable for more complex orthodontic cases, such as severe overbites or underbites, rotated teeth, or jaw misalignment. If you have significant orthodontic issues, our team may recommend traditional braces or other treatments.

Your commitment to treatment

You can remove invisible aligners to clean them, or to eat food, thus making them easy to use. However, this also means that you need to be committed to wearing them for the recommended duration each day. Most invisible aligner systems require you to wear the trays for 20-22 hours each day, only removing them for meals and brushing. If you’re not committed to wearing the aligners as directed, your treatment may take longer or be less effective.

Your lifestyle

Invisible aligners are a great choice for people with active lifestyles because they don’t interfere with sports, music, or other activities. They also don’t require any dietary restrictions, so you can eat whatever you like. However, if you have a job that requires a lot of talking or if you’re not comfortable speaking with aligners in your mouth, you may need to consider a different type of orthodontic treatment.

Your budget

While it is rare, invisible aligners may be a bit more costly than traditional braces. So, you will need to think about your finances when choosing whether to use invisible aligners. The cost of invisible aligners can vary depending on the brand and the complexity of your orthodontic needs. Of course, our team can offer financial backing, but this will need to be explored to see if you are suitable.

Your dental history

Your dental history can also play a role in whether invisible aligners are a good choice for you. If you’ve had extensive dental work, such as crowns, bridges, or implants, invisible aligners might not be a suitable option because they require a certain amount of tooth surface for the aligners to grip onto. Additionally, if you have a history of gum disease or tooth decay, our team may need to address those issues before starting invisible aligner treatment.

Making orthodontic care accessible for all; a guide to Invisalign

Have you ever felt embarrassed by your crooked teeth? Or perhaps you’ve seen a friend or family member struggle with their misaligned teeth, affecting their confidence and overall well-being? In our mission to make orthodontic care accessible for all. At Aura Dental, we believe that a healthy and beautiful smile is a fundamental right.


We understand that orthodontic treatments can be expensive and daunting, which is why we have developed innovative solutions to make orthodontic care a reality for everyone.

When you come to Aura Dental, our team will discuss your suitability for Invisalign St John’s Wood and guide you through each step of the process to ensure that you get the smile you want. Great!

But what are some of the things that you may need to consider when looking into Invisalign St John’s Wood?


One of the main barriers to orthodontic care is the cost. We recognise that not everyone can afford traditional braces or aligners like Invisalign St John’s Wood, and we’re committed to bridging that gap. Our dental clinic offers tailored, affordable payment plans for all patients, regardless of their financial situation. By providing a range of flexible financing options, we enable families and individuals to receive the orthodontic care they need without breaking the bank.


As part of our commitment to making orthodontic care accessible to all, we’ve established community outreach programs that cater to underprivileged families and children. Through partnerships with local schools, charities, and community organisations, we can offer free orthodontic consultations and discounted treatments for those in need. Our compassionate dental professionals volunteer their time and expertise to bring life-changing orthodontic care to underserved communities, one smile at a time.

The technology

At Aura Dental, we always look for ways to improve and make orthodontic care more efficient and affordable. By investing in cutting-edge technology, such as 3D digital impressions and advanced orthodontic software, we can reduce treatment times, increase precision, and lower costs. This allows us to provide top-notch orthodontic services at more competitive prices, ensuring that everyone has access to the care needed to get a healthy, beautiful smile.

What the process involves

Knowledge is power, and we want our patients to feel empowered when making decisions about their orthodontic care. Our team of dental professionals is dedicated to educating patients about the full benefits of all orthodontic treatments, as well as the options available to them. We provide comprehensive consultations, discussing the pros and cons of different treatment methods and addressing any concerns or questions our patients may have. By equipping our patients with the information they need, we help them make informed choices about their care and, ultimately, transform their smiles and lives.

Why choose our team?

Now that you know how passionate we are about making orthodontic care accessible to all, it’s time to take the first step towards achieving the smile you’ve always wanted. By choosing Aura Dental for your orthodontic treatment, you’re not only investing in your dental health but also supporting our mission to bring quality orthodontic care to those in need. Together, we can create a world where everyone has the opportunity to smile with confidence.

We believe that a world of beautiful smiles is possible, and it all begins with you. Book a consultation with us today and join our mission to transform smiles and lives.

Oral hygiene tips for patients with Invisalign

At Aura Dental, we believe that preventive dental care is the foundation of good oral health. Regular check-ups, professional cleanings, and healthy habits are essential for maintaining a healthy smile. But we also understand that sometimes, despite best efforts, teeth may need a little extra help. That’s where clear aligners come in. As a leading provider of Invisalign in St John’s Wood, we’ve helped many patients achieve their beautiful smiles without the discomfort and inconvenience of traditional braces. In this article, we’ll share some oral hygiene tips to keep your teeth healthy while undergoing treatment.


Why clear aligners?

Before we look into oral hygiene tips, let’s quickly review why Invisalign in St John’s Wood is such a popular choice for orthodontic treatment. This treatment course uses a series of clear, removable aligners to gradually shift teeth into the desired position. Unlike traditional braces, clear aligners like these are virtually invisible, making them a popular choice for adults and teens who are self-conscious about their appearance. Clear aligners are also removable, which means you can eat and drink whatever you like during treatment, and brush and floss normally. This makes it easier to maintain good oral health while undergoing the treatment.

Oral hygiene tips

While these aligners are removable, it’s important to wear them for at least 22 hours a day to ensure treatment progresses as planned. Here are some oral hygiene tips to keep your teeth healthy and your aligners clean during treatment.

Brush and floss regularly. Brushing your teeth at least two times a day is really important. Flossing at least once per day is also essential. Be sure to brush your teeth before putting your aligners back in, and brush your aligners gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Clean your aligners. Rinse your aligners with warm water every time you take them out, and soak them in a specific cleaning solution or a denture cleaner once a week. Avoid using hot water or toothpaste, as these can damage the aligners.

Avoid sugary and acidic foods. Sugary and acidic foods can increase the risk of tooth decay and damage to your aligners. Choose foods that are low in sugar and acid, and drink plenty of water throughout the day to help neutralise acid in your mouth.

Treatment near you

If you’re considering Invisalign in St John’s Wood, Aura Dental can help. Our experienced team of dental professionals will work with you to create a customised treatment plan that meets your needs and fits your lifestyle. We use the latest technology and techniques to ensure you achieve the best possible results in the shortest amount of time. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how Invisalign can improve your smile.

In conclusion

Clear braces are an excellent choice for patients who want to achieve a straighter smile without the hassle and discomfort of traditional braces. By following these oral hygiene tips, you can maintain good oral health and ensure your treatment is a success. If you’re interested in treatments like this or have any other dental concerns, contact our dedicated team at Aura Dental today to schedule a consultation. Our friendly team is here to answer any questions you may have and help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.

What you should know about wisdom teeth and Invisalign

Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars that typically emerge in one’s late teens or early twenties. They are commonly associated with pain and discomfort, and often require extraction. But did you know that the presence of wisdom teeth can also impact orthodontic treatment with Invisalign in St John’s Wood? In this article, we’ll explore what you should know about wisdom teeth and clear aligners, and how a dental practice like ours at Aura Dental can help.


The connection between wisdom teeth and Invisalign

When a patient undergoes Invisible braces treatment, clear aligners are used to gradually shift the teeth into the desired position. However, if a patient has impacted wisdom teeth, it can interfere with the effectiveness of such a treatment. Wisdom teeth can cause crowding and shifting of other teeth, making it difficult to achieve the desired outcome with clear aligners.

In some cases, the presence of wisdom teeth may require extraction before beginning Invisalign in St John’s Wood treatment. Our dental professional can evaluate the patient’s situation and determine the best course of action. This underscores the importance of seeking care from a qualified and experienced orthodontist, who can address the unique needs of each patient.

How a dental practice can help

If you’re considering this treatment, it’s important to choose a dental practice that has the expertise and technology to provide the best possible care. Our dedicated team at Aura Dental, located in London, offers a range of orthodontic services, including Invisalign in St John’s Wood. Our dental professionals can evaluate your teeth and determine if wisdom tooth extraction is necessary before beginning treatment.

In addition to our expertise in orthodontics, we offer a range of general and cosmetic dentistry services. Whether you need a routine cleaning or a more complex procedure, our team is dedicated to providing high-quality, patient-centred care.

If a patient decides to undergo wisdom tooth extraction before beginning clear aligner treatment, it’s important to follow the recommended aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing. The healing time can vary from a few days to several weeks, depending on the individual’s situation. It’s important to avoid strenuous physical activity and stick to soft foods during the healing process. Pain relief medication may also be prescribed to manage any discomfort.

For patients who do need wisdom tooth extraction before treatment, it’s important to note that the extraction procedure is typically done in a dental surgery under local anaesthesia. Patients are usually able to return to their normal activities within a few days, but it’s important to follow the dentist’s aftercare instructions to avoid complications. With proper care and attention, patients can experience a successful and comfortable recovery, and continue on to achieve their desired smile with clear aligners.

Help with wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth can pose a challenge for orthodontic treatment with certain treatments, but with the help of a qualified dental professional, patients can achieve the smile they desire. By choosing a dental practice like our team at Aura Dental, patients can benefit from expert care and a range of services to support their oral health. Whether you’re dealing with wisdom teeth, clear braces, or other dental concerns, it’s important to prioritise preventive care and seek out high-quality care from trusted professionals.

Straighten your teeth and discreetly and conveniently with Invisalign

If you have crooked or uneven teeth then you are more likely to develop dental health issues in the future. Here at Aura Dental we carry out a thorough examination of your teeth and gums each time you visit the dentist making sure that your teeth remain healthy and clean. If you visit us regularly then misalignment issues will be identified early on in life and we can put together an individually tailored treatment plan for you. If you have a neatly aligned smile then you are less likely to develop dental health issues in the future. Here at our practice we have a range of different orthodontic options that we can offer you according to your dental requirements. One of the most popular teeth straightening options here and across the world is Invisalign St John’s Wood.


Advantages of Invisalign

Invisalign St John’s Wood is the ideal orthodontic choice for the modern generation. It is suitable for those who have avoided orthodontic treatment when they were younger because they did not want visible braces stuck to the front of their teeth. It is also suitable for those who have a busy, hectic lifestyle and want to get on with the treatment from the comfort of their own home, avoiding long appointments at the dental clinic. It is ideal for those who want to correct the appearance of their teeth, but do not want to draw unnecessary attention to their mouth.

Invisalign St John’s Wood is very discreet. It uses clear thermoplastic aligners to straighten your teeth which are almost invisible when they are in your mouth. They fit over your teeth accurately as they are designed using the latest in digital dental technology. This means that they are comfortable to wear and there is little chance of developing cuts or sores in the mouth. Invisalign aligners need to be taken out of your mouth at mealtimes which means you can eat your favourite foods, there are no restrictions. By taking them out of your mouth you are also able to maintain a good dental hygiene routine including brushing and flossing your teeth after meal times, making sure that your mouth is free of any lingering food particles which could cause complications later on. You can also visit our dentist as necessary to make sure that your teeth remain clean and healthy and to check that the process is coming along successfully.

Overall you can achieve a smile transformation with Invisalign in 12 to 18 months depending on your dental requirements. Once you have completed the treatment you can speak to one of our dentists and find out about a retainer system that will help maintain the new alignment of your teeth. This is very important as often patients find that their teeth can  begin to move back to their original positions. With the help of a retainer you will be able to enjoy a beautiful and healthy smile for many years to come. Speak to us at Aura Dental today and find out more about teeth straightening, looking after your dental health and why Invisalign may be the best option for you.

Improving dental health with Invisalign

It is important that you and your family visit the dentist on a regular basis to make sure that your teeth are clean and healthy and that you can smile happily and confidently at all times. There are many symptoms which can arise as a result of avoiding the dentist and these can have a negative impact on your life. Poor oral hygiene and avoiding the dentist can cause yellow teeth and bad breath. This can affect your self-confidence, it can affect your social life and your professional life and it can gain a negative response from those around you. The longer you avoid the dentist the more problems you will face in the future. If plaque and tartar develop in your mouth then this can result in more unpleasant symptoms as well as cavities, tooth decay and gum disease. If left untreated eventually these issues can develop and result in tooth loss. By visiting us at Aura Dental on a regular basis you can prevent such complications  and we can inform you of the different treatments and procedures that are available to help you promote better dental health in the future.


Here in the UK many people suffer from crooked, uneven teeth. Not only does this affect the appearance of their smiles, but it also means that they are more likely to experience dental health issues. If your teeth are misaligned then you need to speak to us at Aura Dental and find out about Invisalign St John’s Wood. Invisalign St John’s Wood is a modern and highly efficient method of teeth straightening that can be used in patients of all ages, teenagers and adults, who suffer from crooked teeth, overcrowded teeth, minor gaps between the teeth, and bite disorders including, overbite, underbite, crossbite and open bite. These patients are significantly more prone to dental health problems developing and therefore, by addressing these issues early on, complications can be avoided.

The Invisalign process

Here at Aura Dental we will carry out an assessment of your teeth as well as X-rays of your mouth to discuss if Invisalign St John’s Wood is the right orthodontic treatment for you. If we come to an agreement that it is the most suitable choice for you, then we will carry out a three-dimensional scan of your teeth, to create a digital image that will show you how your teeth will look after you undergo treatment with Invisalign. The scan results can then be used to create a series of aligners by determining the positions your teeth have to move into to create the best results. The aligners themselves may take a few weeks to arrive and we will ask you to come to the practice for your initial fitting. After that you will have to wear your aligners every day for at least 22 hours and take them out to eat, floss and brush your teeth. The aligners are designed to fit easily into your mouth and are simple to remove. They are uncomplicated to look after and by following the guidelines you can achieve excellent results. Speak to us today and find out more about straightening your teeth with Invisalign and the many advantages that it can bring.