Been told you need a root canal? 5 things our dentist wants you to know

Whether you have recently had a serious accident which has damaged your teeth or you are recovering from a dental infection, you will probably be told that you need a root canal.


One of the least popular of all the restorative procedures, a root canal involves a member of our team drilling into the pulp of your tooth, removing the infected material and then refilling the cavity with packing material. However, as straightforward as this process seems (and is for our team) many patients who are told that they need a root canal performed would rather opt for an extraction which can have some serious long-term consequences.

At Aura Dental, our dentist in St John’s Wood will always take the time to explain every treatment option to you, ensuring that you are fully informed to make the choice you feel is suitable for you. As our team has helped thousands of patients restore their smiles using root-canals, we know this process inside and out and can assure you that its unpopularity is not justified at all!

So, what is the consensus from our dentist in St John’s Wood about root canals?

They aren’t painful

Firstly, many patients worry that root canals will be painful, but this is untrue; in fact, having a root canal is more likely to alleviate discomfort than to cause it.

Our dentist in St John’s Wood will always ensure that your mouth is numbed before the process begins and once it is complete and will advise you on suitable aftercare, as there may be an initial feeling of bruising. But compared to the sensation of an abscess, that is certainly going to be an improvement!

It can save a fortune!

Many patients worry that a root canal is a costly procedure which will likely fail.

Compared to dental extraction, it can save you money as there it does not cause the same long-term issues with aesthetics or functionality that extraction does. Many adults who have had extractions required more extensive processes to restore their mouths functional and aesthetic appeal, such as dental implants which are more costly and time-consuming.

It can preserve your smile

A root canal is topped with a white filling or crown, thus preserving the aesthetic appeal of your smile which could be lost with an extraction.It also preserves functionality and hygiene which once again may be impacted with an extracted tooth.

It doesn’t kill the tooth

It is a myth that a root canal kills the tooth; it simply involves removing infected material from the pulp.Your tooth will still retain the required sensation for correct functioning, such as biting and chewing while also visually looking no different from any other tooth in your mouth.

It won’t cause your tooth to change colour

And finally, a tooth that has had a root canal does not turn black.

It stays the same shade as the surrounding teeth but may become slightly darkened over time, but can be corrected with whitening procedures. Fantastic!