Am I too old for braces?

If you are looking to straighten your teeth, no matter how old you are, then braces in North West London could be the ideal solution for you. Braces have long been associated with young people; however many more older people are now starting to look into the types of braces available to them. Braces work by gently applying pressure to one or more teeth, encouraging them to gently shift over time. They are a relatively pain free treatment and hundreds of patients have braces fitted every week in the UK.

braces-in-north-londonA vast number of people have at least one crooked or wonky tooth, if not several teeth that could benefit from wearing braces. There are also many types of braces available now too, from traditional ‘train tracks’ to more subtle aligners and retainers that are practically invisible. Healthy teeth can be moved at almost any age, so there’s no such thing as being too old for braces in North West London. In fact, nowadays about one out of every five orthodontic patients is an adult.

What are the benefits?

A great-looking smile and lovely straight teeth is a good way to boost self-confidence and some studies have shown that orthodontic treatment can even enhance an adult’s career opportunities and social life.

There is also a potential health benefit, as misaligned teeth can be harder to clean, setting the stage for tooth decay and gum disease. Straightening teeth can also help to make chewing more comfortable and minimise the amount of food residue that gets trapped between the teeth. These are just some of the many reasons to consider orthodontic treatment at any age. What’s more, many patients are happier with their smile after having braces in North West London.

If you are considering braces in North West London and would like further information on any type of braces, please contact us here at Aura Dental, and we will happily book you in for a consultation with one of our experienced dentists. They will be able to assess the condition of your teeth and advise you on which treatment you could benefit from the most.