A wide range of braces in North West London available

At Aura Dental, we pride ourselves on having a wide range of options available to those who want to straighten their teeth. This means we can listen to what it is you want and what your priorities are, take a good look at your teeth and then recommend a treatment that fits you perfectly.

You can be sure that you have explored all your options when you choose braces in North West London with Aura Dental.

braces-in-north-londonWhat are some of the options?

It is now possible to choose comfortable treatments that are unobtrusive and can get you the results you want within a short space of time. Your dentist can talk to you in detail about which options are available for your circumstances. These are some of the great brands we partner with.

Ways to a great smile

Six Month Smiles have helped over four million people to get to a great smile and they are quick and easy to fit at Aura Dental in North West London. Braces are often thought of as metal and very obvious when you have them but with Six Month Smiles, you get clear brackets and tooth coloured wires which help the hardware blend in with your teeth as much as possible. This is especially key for patients who have a public facing job or who are frequently required to give a great first impression.

Another option you might consider is Invisalign. These are a revolutionary system of clear, BPA-free plastic aligners that are almost invisible. They are also removable which gives people a feeling of freedom and flexibility with them. You do need to keep them in for a minimum of 22 hours per day but you can take them out to eat and to clean them. Some users find this more palatable and more comfortable than fixed braces.

With you every step of the way

These are just a couple of our great options. Make an appointment to discuss our full range. Whatever you choose, at Aura Dental, our experienced dental professionals are committed to being with you every step of the way.