A quick guide on what patients need to know about Invisalign

When you are an adult looking for an option to get your teeth straightened, never has there been a better time than in 2023.


There are now invisible braces which use clear brackets, lingual braces and of course, invisible aligners.

Invisible aligners are a different orthodontic option for those seeking to straighten their teeth, as they rely on pushing the teeth rather than pulling them.

While they offer several advantages there are some key things to keep in mind before starting treatment, which sadly, if they are not known, can cause patients to stop treatment prematurely.

At Aura Dental, our team knows all there is to know about Invisalign St. John’s Wood and will assess whether or not you are a suitable candidate for it. If you are, we will make sure that your treatment goes as planned.

So, here are 5 things to know about Invisalign St. John’s Wood before commencing treatment.

Invisible aligners require discipline and commitment

Unlike traditional braces that are attached to your teeth, invisible aligners are completely removable. This means that you will be responsible for wearing them for the recommended amount of time each day (typically 20 to 22 hours). For successful treatment, it’s important to commit to wearing Invisalign St Johns Wood as instructed and to keep up with the maintenance required to keep them clean and effective. If you don’t, your teeth may revert to their previous positions, or the movement of your teeth may slow.

Treatment time varies

The length of treatment with invisible aligners varies depending on the severity of your orthodontic issues. In general, treatment can take anywhere from around 3 months to about 12, averaging at around 6 months. However, it’s important to be patient and follow your treatment plan closely to achieve the best results.

Aligners may cause discomfort

While invisible aligners are generally more comfortable than traditional braces, they may still cause some soreness. This is especially true during the first few days of wearing a new pair of aligners. Over-the-counter pain relievers like paracetamol and warm salt water rinses can help ease any discomfort.

If, however, the discomfort is unrelenting, then it would be best to see our team so we can assess the underlying cause. In most cases, it is due to the aligners not being correctly fitted.

Oral hygiene is crucial

Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial when using invisible aligners. Because the aligners are worn for much of the day, food particles and bacteria can easily become stuck in the space between the aligner and your teeth, leading to cavities and gum disease. To prevent this, it’s important to brush and floss regularly and to clean your aligners as directed by your orthodontist.

Not everyone is a candidate

While invisible aligners are a great option for many people, they may not be suitable for everyone. People with severe dental issues may require traditional braces or other more intensive treatments. Additionally, those with certain medical conditions or dental anomalies may not be good candidates for invisible aligners. It’s important to consult with your orthodontist to determine if invisible aligners are right for you.