A children’s dentist can help your young ones have good oral health for life

Fear of the dentist can sometimes be sparked by a bad experience during childhood. At Aura Dental in North London, our entire team is experienced in working with children and young patients. We believe that bringing your child into the dental practice from a young age will help them to learn that it is nothing to be scared of, and will hopefully establish habits that promote good oral health for life.

When should my child first visit the dentist?

children dentistYou should bring your child to our North London dental clinic soon after their first teeth start to appear. By attending an appointment at the same time as a parent, guardian, or sibling, a young child can learn to observe and copy what they see – sitting in the chair and opening their mouth for the dentist to look at their teeth.

The level of dental decay among UK children is still shockingly high. At our North London dental practice we believe that no child should have to suffer from untreated decay. We focus on preventative dentistry, helping to teach your child about the importance of cleaning their teeth in a fun and engaging manner, and spotting any signs of decay early. If they do have any decay, this will be treated promptly and gently without any pain, avoiding the need for more traumatic treatment such as extractions.

We provide fluoride varnish and fissure sealant at our North London clinic, both of which are designed to help prevent decay. Your child’s dentist will also be on the lookout for early signs of orthodontic problems such as underbites, overbites, or cross bites. As with most dental issues, the earlier they are spotted the easier treatment is.

Our North London dental team also provide special oral health advice for teenagers, helping them to keep their smile healthy.